jaws 3 drehort

    Flushed out from her refuge inside the filtration pipe, where fast moving water flowed across her gills, the shark wreaks havoc throughout the park. A great white shark starts to follow an unsuspecting team of water skiers.

    Calvin manages to swim out and rescue one technician but another technician is killed in the process. FitzRoyce alone understands what she's saying but dismisses her as being silly, but she persists, arguing that her shark was just the baby. At the underwater tunnels, a girl is terrified when she sees part of Overman's corpse float up to a window. Calvin orders the pump to be shut down to suffocate the shark, which the two technicians question, preferring to blow it up. Jaws 3-D (1983) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. As with the first two films in the series, many people were involved in writing the film. It is the second sequel to Jaws, which was based on the novel of Peter Benchley. TV Shows. Coldly, she gives FitzRoyce permission to photograph it. FitzRoyce and his assistant, Jack, go down to the filtration pipe in an attempt to lure the shark back in as a trap. Michael notices FitzRoyce's corpse still in the shark's throat with a grenade and uses a bent pole to pull its pin, triggering the grenade's explosion and killing the shark.

    Jaws 3-D is a 1983 American horror film directed by Joe Alves and starring Dennis Quaid, Bess Armstrong, Lea Thompson and Louis Gossett, Jr. The film is notable for making use of 3D film during the revived interest in the technology in the 1980s, amongst other horror films such as Friday the 13th Part III and Amityville 3D. Meanwhile, Florida announces the opening of SeaWorld's new glass covered underwater tunnels that allow close up views of the park's animals.

    but they are again saved by the dolphins Cindy and Sandy, who distract the shark with a brief counter-attack. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A cheap, exploitation film, Jaws 3-D is an absolute trainwreck. A giant thirty-five-foot shark becomes trapped in a SeaWorld theme park and it's up to the sons of police chief Brody to rescue everyone. For instance, she refutes the idea of a "mother shark protecting her offspring [as] sharks do not mother their young," and points out that dolphins can attack sharks.The film was released in a standard 2-D format on DVD by

    It is the second sequel to Steven Spielberg's Jaws, which was based on the novel by Peter Benchley and is the third installment in the Jaws franchise.

    Hearing that the shark has been lured into the pipe, Michael and Kay go down to repair the underwater tunnel, so the technicians can restore air pressure and drain the water. Jaws 3-D (1983) Filming & Production. Flushed out from her refuge inside a filtration pipe, the shark begins to wreak havoc on the park, injures a water skier, and causes a leak that nearly drowns everyone in the underwater tunnel. She is able to convince Calvin about this newest development only when the shark herself shows up at the window of the underwater cafe. Reviewing the body, Kay realizes that the shark that killed him is the first shark's 35 ft (11 m) long mother and that it must also be inside the park. They go down in a submarine to look for his body, and during the search, they encounter a smaller, 10 ft (3.0 m) shark. Later, Overman's corpse is discovered. When FitzRoyce is attacked by the shark he attempts to use a grenade to kill it, but the shark devours him before he can pull the safety pin. The dolphins rescue Kay and Mike, first by warning them of the shark but getting misunderstood, then by giving them a ride back to the dolphin pen at a speed the shark can't match, but the shark escapes back into the park.

    This captures the attention of FitzRoyce, but she cannot convince Calvin until the enormous shark shows herself at the window of the park's underwater cafe, terrifying the customers. When she hears of it, she runs to the tank and tries to save the baby shark, but the shark dies in her arms anyway. Kay protests and suggests capturing and keeping the shark alive in captivity, to guarantee more publicity for the park. They escape thanks to help from dolphins Cindy and Sandy, who attack the shark to distract her briefly. Edit. Showing all 5 items Jump to: Filming Locations (3) Filming Dates (1) Production Dates (1) Filming Locations. Dennis Quaid stated in a 2015 interview that, of all his films, he made the most aggressive use of This kind of 3D effect does not work on television without special electronic hardware at the viewer's end, and so with two exceptions, the home video and broadcast TV versions of One of the exceptions was a 1986 release of the film for the now-obsolete The film was heavily promoted before its wide release across the U.S. As with The film grossed $13,422,500 on its opening weekend,Campy performances, cheesy special effects, and downright awful dialogue all contribute to making Amongst some flaws, some critics describe the film as "marginally entertaining. With Dennis Quaid, Bess Armstrong, Simon MacCorkindale, Louis Gossett Jr.. A giant thirty-five-foot shark becomes trapped in a SeaWorld theme park and it's up to the sons of police chief Brody to rescue everyone.

    "In her screenwriting textbook, Linda Aronson suggests that its protagonist, played by Quaid, is a major problem with the film. Nov 26, 2015 "Jaws 3" is even a more unnecessary film than "Jaws 2". Showing all 5 items Jump to: Summaries (4) Synopsis (1) Summaries.

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