the wild facebook

    Profilo is a high-throughput, mobile-first performance tracing library.

    Unfortunately, it was often insufficient to diagnose these harder issues as we only collected durations alongside a few “proxy metrics” (e.g. Today we’re happy to announce Profilo gives us a foundation to efficiently manage multiple streams of data coming from different sources measuring different aspects of the app, so that we can reconstruct important parts of the state of the app and the system during any run of an interaction being measured. We believe this is a first in Android performance libraries in that it understands internal VM structures and can collect stack traces without using the official Java APIs, thus overcoming many of the well-documented issues with suspension-based stack unwinding (see In order to get a better understanding of what the virtual machine and Android frameworks do on our behalf, we also developed ways to capture “systrace” telemetry (or more precisely, our apps’ “atrace” usage) in production.

    But do its user profiles create a false sense of security? However, not all regressions were easily addressed with server-driven configuration. Facebook Marketplace: The Wild West of E-Commerce The online flea market is used by one in three people in the U.S. We’re very excited to see where we can take these ideas and tools with the help of the community and make mobile performance a much more tractable problem.

    Android Software Engineer LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM But it also showed us how much we didn’t know about performance tracking; everything that wasn’t immediately obvious was incredibly hard to investigate.

    We have ambitious goals around delivering a delightful experience for people using Facebook and a strong belief that responsiveness and smoothness are keystones of a high-quality product experience. This allows to us investigate garbage collection and other VM-specific events and their impact on our apps. While we had a pretty good idea of how long different subsections within it took (along with a solid set of secondary, related metrics), regressions took a long time to root-cause and triage and often remained unsolved for months. Android Software Engineer This inability to reproduce the state of the device and the system locally led to long turnaround times and an exhausting search through a stream of code and configuration changes.We soon realized that in order to increase our ability to diagnose issues and find opportunities for performance improvements, we needed to build a dedicated tool that could better gather and analyze much more detailed telemetry from the app as these slower interactions took place.The tool we ultimately built is called Profilo. To help personalize content, tailor and measure ads, and provide a safer experience, we use cookies. Android UI Engineer LOS ANGELES, US Together, these mean that, among other things, we need to quickly and efficiently investigate performance problems.Every engineering team at Facebook is encouraged to monitor app performance using common tools and frameworks within our family of apps.
    Other telemetry streams allow us to tackle different types of common regressions such as more code being loaded or slow paths becoming more frequent.One of the unique features of Profilo is its custom Java stack unwinder.

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    the wild facebook