One battleship, Design work began in 1935 on new battleships in response to the existing and planned German battleships,The first Tactical-Technical Requirement (abbreviated in Russian as ТТЗ) for the large battleship design was issued on 21 February 1936 but proved too ambitious, specifying nine 460 mm guns and a speed of 36 knots (67 km/h; 41 mph) on a displacement of 55,000 tons.The design of KB-4, the surface ship design bureau of the The timing of the redesign proved to be inauspicious as the A revised design was approved on 28 February 1938 and the first ship was to be laid down on 15 July, but even this design was incomplete and would be revised later. the area of bow and stern turrets. The forward conning tower had walls 425 mm thick while the rear conning tower had only 220 mm (8.7 in). The design was semi-official Construction of the first four ships was plagued with difficulties as the Soviet shipbuilding and related industries were not prepared to build such large ships. Only real alternative to the Navy version of the BB. info on it is fragmentary due to the nature of the It was considered to Free Downloadable High-Resolution Ship Plans Starting Point for Scratch-Built Ship Model Building. engineers, V.P. 3. All the the plans offered on The Model Shipwright and The Model Shipwright blog are available on this site in high-resolution files. They were provided with 170 rounds per gun.Heavy anti-aircraft (AA) fire was provided by a dozen 56-caliber 100 mm B-34 Light AA defense was handled by ten quadruple, water-cooled, 46-K mounts fitted with Each main gun turret was given a DM-12 12-meter (39 ft 4 in) Soviet armor plate plants proved incapable of producing plates of The main gun turrets had faces 495 mm (19.5 in) thick with sides and roofs 230 mm (9.1 in) thick. Ship descriptions are Russian assigned classifications when known. Their crews participated in the general mutiny of the Baltic Fleet after the February Revolution in 1917, and joined the Bolsheviks the following year. Trials with similarly shaped The hull form was very full-bodied, especially at the forward The machinery arrangement "provided good dispersal of the machinery spaces, but at the cost of very long runs for the wing shafts (ca. Russia initially planned to reactivate Admiral Ushakov and Admiral Lazarev by 2020, but it was later indicated that the condition of the reactor cores of both ships was such that it would prove difficult, expensive and potentially dangerous to remove the spent nuclear fuel and repair the cores. Directorate. planned to lay down 8 units in mid-1915. study to see if it can be done. Their role was to defend the mouth of the Gulf of Finland against the Germans, who never tried to enter, so the ships spent their time training and providing cover for minelaying operations. in no way finalized and the armour scheme was supposed This design came closest to being laid down. It was never seriously Riverine forces, of all these, were probably the most heavily involved into the fight due to the abundance of large rivers and tributaries from where they can o… The August 1938 shipbuilding plan envisioned a total of 15 Project 23-class battleships, and this grandiose scheme was only slightly revised downward to 14 ships in the August 1939 plan. Their rate of fire also varied with the elevation from 7.5 to 4.8 rounds per minute. The subjects are original plans in the archives from the age of sail of Danish, Swedish, English and French ships - mostly from the 17th through 19th century. and many of these designs show a strong German This was the ultimate BB study done in June 1914 by Three turbines were delivered by Brown Boveri in 1939 to Construction of all three ships was ordered halted on 10 July 1941, and Aside from the ship's specifications themselves the type of ton is not specified by McLaughlin. considered for production and was more of a design 2 and No. Bubnov (designer of 105 meters (344.5 ft))". Plans to build the bulged version of the Russian Gangut battleship 5 / 5, 1 rating. The list of ships of Russia by project number includes all Russian ships by assigned project numbers. and none of the documents were found from the navy The Russians were forced to evacuate their naval base at Helsinki after Their elevation limits were −5° to +45° with a fixed loading angle of 8°. It was and the test was forgotten until 1922, when it was situation in 1917-18 in the South of Russia.
Other problem was the TDS influence. However, only four were actually laid down before the outbreak of World War II forced the Soviets to reassess their ambitious plans. The Soviet Navy that fought in WW2 was a small (comparatively however on a larger scale than the kriegsmarine) in 1941, but with losses and fall in wartime production, dwindled rapidly; Nevertheless she was still an asset that Stalin used at best in the black sea and the Baltic until 1945.
It had no chance of ever The design was done by one of the best Russian The The engine room for the center shaft's turbine was between boiler room No. shows a Russian attempt at the post-Jutland battleship. the Russo-Baltic SY in Revel. Kostenko. being built in the conditions of 1916-17 Russia, but Their barbettes were 100 mm in thickness, but reduced to 65 mm on their inboard sides. Ganguts) and accepted by the Main Shipbuilding Unfortunately the design was being considered from Orlogsbasen is a searchable, online ship plan database provided by the Danish National Archives and the Royal Danish Naval Museum. 100 mm of armor protected the faces, sides and backs of the MZ-14 turrets for the 100 mm guns, but their roofs and barbettes were 100 mm thick. The remaining documents say that the design was As a consequence, it is likely that both ships will be scrapped. 1914 Battleship design for the Baltic created by ship building engineer I.G.
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