wardruna grá lyrics

    Wardruna Videos 10 Songs You Didn't Know Were Covers Video; WARDRUNA Odal Lyrics Video; 8 Things You Didn't Know About Drake Video; Warduna Grá Lyrics Video; Wardruna - Helvegen (lyrics) Video; Wardruna - Gibu (lyrics) Video; What's That Line?

    More details to follow.Wardruna are pleased to add another date to their Ragnarok Tour this autumn.

    Music and art can potentially carry great meaning in times of uncertainty. prayertitus March 20, 2020. This will never change for us, and so it feels great to have top notch people on our team that also embrace this way of working.

    Time zone:

    The audience will be taken on a spectacular journey along this route in a musical declaration of love to Norwegian coastal culture and Norse history.

    It seeks to address and acknowledge the cost and responsibility of being part of, and not above nature. You can now purchase a limited ticket/album bundle including signed tickets by Einar Selvik ahead of the regular tickets that are being released on Monday.

    Nevertheless, we have worked very hard for a solution and we are excited to present you our North American Tour 2021 as displayed on the poster!

    Follow the link below for more details and tickets.The announcement of the Ragnarok Tour has been met with great enthusiasm and many of the concerts are already sold out.

    Tickets will be on sale Friday, February 14, 10:00 AM Local Time.It is with great pleasure we announce that our new album "Kvitravn" (White Raven) is set for worldwide release on June 5th, 2020 (Postponed to January 22nd, 2021).

    The first song will be released February 21st.You can now pre-order the album in various formats and bundles at We would also like to announce that our only mainland European show during the week of release is taking place on 11th of June at the Gelsenkirchen Amphitheater.

    For further information please contact the respective local promoters. On many levels, the process of making of this video reflected the meaning of the song itself.

    Presales begins on August 19.


    Songen din rørar djupt i meg Som taumar rakt frå minna dreg Eg finn ikkje ord, dei er for meg gøymd Men det er noko gamalt, det er noko gløymd.

    We decided that now was not the time to stay silent and headed straight back into creative mode and the studio to write and record the song "Lyfjaberg".The Old Norse word Lyfjaberg means Healing-hill or Healing-mountain and is known from Norse mythology and the Eddic poem Lyfjaberg will be available on all digital platforms on June 5th.Grá (Grey) is our song to the wolf.

    Some user-contributed text on this page is available under the 398 Scrobbling is when Last.fm tracks the music you listen to and automatically adds it to your music profile. Stay tuned!Here’s a short teaser video of ‘Tyr’, the opening track on ‘Runaljod – Ragnarok’.The album will be available in CD, vinyl and digital formats.

    Tickets will be on sale Friday, February 14, 10:00 AM Local Time.It is with great pleasure we announce that our new album "Kvitravn" (White Raven) is set for worldwide release on June 5th, 2020 (Postponed to January 22nd, 2021).

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    wardruna grá lyrics