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To date, there haven’t been any reports of positive COVID-19 test results in the Toronto or Edmonton hub cities.
Leafs Nation
Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment has partnered with Live Nation to open a 40-foot movie screen to showcase a series of Toronto Maple Leafs and Toronto Raptors playoff games.
The wait is over, #Oilers fans.
SI Gambling analyst Roy Larking breaks down his NHL playoff best bets for the day.© 2020 ABG-SI LLC.
SPORTS ILLUSTRATED is a registered trademark of ABG-SI LLC.
John Tavares figured he would spend part of the day on Sunday deciding which last-minute items to jam into his luggage with the Maple Leafs heading into the bubble.The Leafs … is the official Web site of the Toronto Maple Leafs Hockey Club.
Defense outdueled offense and Columbus posted a 2-0 victory over Toronto …
TLB spends time with Frederik Gauthier and the people who matter most to him: his family. Penalties were frequent in several of the opening games - including two penalty shots during the Montreal versus Pittsburgh contest.
Winning their last Stanley Cup in 1967, the club's 51-season Stanley Cup drought is the longest active drought in the NHL. Please check the opt-in box to acknowledge that you would like to subscribe.
No one in the NHL is even close to that.It’s hockey, so bad luck and goaltending will always threaten That is why, despite the extra series and the potential to have to play both Tampa and Boston on the way to the Finals, I am predicting a Toronto Maple Leafs Stanley Cup.Build your custom FanSided Daily email newsletter with news and analysis on Toronto Maple Leafs and all your favorite sports teams, TV shows, and more.Your privacy is safe with us.
Auston Matthews, Frederik Andersen and Mitch Marner represent the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Atlantic Division at the 2020 NHL All-Star in St. Louis, Missouri.
Justin Holl extends his contract with the Maple Leafs while returning to his home state of Minnesota to close out the decade against the Wild on New Years eve.
The Leafs tie up the qualifying series against the Blue Jackets with a shutout win.
That hasn’t happened in a NHL postseason match since 1923.There were a couple of key injuries during the first two days of action as Winnipeg Jets forwards Mark Scheifele and Patrik Laine both left Game 1 of their series versus the Calgary Flames. Upsets were common during the first two days of the 2020 NHL playoffs as favorites like Pittsburgh and Edmonton fell behind 1-0 in their series.
Qualifying Series Best Bets: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 Columbus Blue Jackets vs. Toronto Maple Leafs Game 2 Odds.
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