11 comments. They are no longer supporting nor updating this build and it may have become outdated. Going into the enemy team gets me away from my tentacles and makes Illaoi very prone to getting kited.With spear of shojan and full cdr, you can pop the e ghost, jump on someone again and already have your e backup. As such, voting and commenting have been disabled and it no longer appears in regular search results.We recommend you take a look at this author's other builds.Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue So you know how we all used to use essence reaver before it got reworked? People just can't get over "but she already has waveclear Hurr Durr"I'd think the biggest potential use is a lower e CD, for slippery targets where you might miss the first oneThis. Close. That might be the method of how Spear of Shojin was born.
They are very efficient in terms of damage, but Illaoi's kit actually contains a weird version of armor penetration because of her E damage transfer. It's kind of like Hail of Blades on Gragas - some Gragas veterans build it because it makes your W into E>Q>auto combo really fast as the attack is nearly instantaneous because of how much faster your AA animation becomes from the attack speed. Spear of Shojin. Spear of Shojin After casting, wearer gains 18% of its max Mana per attack. The health, CDR, and AD are good too.That build sounds pretty efficient. 31. Together they give a great wad of stats, and it would fit in with the tankier option I mentioned above.I think both hydras on Illaoi are a lot better than people give them credit for. A League of Legends™ Champion Main sub.Press J to jump to the feed. I’m going to try this regardless but still wanted to know how you all think it would do.
Its to niche even for a ability dependent champeon like illaoi.you should be banning trynd if you dont play him mateyThe first half of standing Illaoi W is interruptable by knockups.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castThis subreddit is dedicated to Illaoi, the Priestess of Nagakabouros and Headmistress of Tentacle Academy. The point of building Spear of Shojin before Black Clover or Ravenous Hydra is to play around Renekton's R. In theory, the synergy between Renekton's ultimate and Spear of Shojin's passive should allow you to snowball almost any lane. This thread is archived. Kind of the same on Illaoi with Shojin, too bad we can't really go Hail of Blades, like, ever.I think Quas goes attack speed Illaoi whenever he can for this reason too, faster attacks just make your overall gameplay smoother in general.Mah boi Tobey! Ask what you want to accomplish, then pick the best one for the job. Faster tentacle slams, quicker W animations, more E's. Sometimes I feel like it kind of forces you into the split a bit more than I'd like, but I still get it pretty often.I've learned that Illaoi is best when you maximize her kill potential, so my current build against teams without tanks is: DD > SoS > SGIt's expensive(cheaper than TF tbf), but Awakened Dragon takes her Ult to the next level.
It's 7.2 seconds or 6.6 seconds with cosmic insight and full cdr. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! Before purchasing SOS you'd play Renekton like normal, but after you want to either start fights with Dominus (Renekton's ultimate) or use it early to abuse the SOS passive as much as possible. Want to support MOBAFire with an ad-free experience? After seeing some tape of it being used in action, and doing some research, I've figured it out.This sub needs more high quality discussion like this. I just wish it gave bouse ad instead of attack speed. Item Breakdown: Spear of Shojin . With two autos on spear of shojan, you reduce the cooldown to 4.6 seconds. u/SmiteDuCouteau. Posted by. "The enemy Guinsoo's Vayne" can kill you with hp and armor so it doesnt matter. It's definitely the best keystone pre level 6, that's for sure-- makes it so you can vessel opponents starting level two.Well Titanic Hydra's active can give a 1 second reduce so i build that with spear lol :PYeah I wanted to mention titanic, and really I should have, but people always get flamey here when you recommend off-meta Illaoi items, and they always want to nitpick with long text posts.Titanic and Shojin would work super well. Stack 2 Spears of Shojin on him with a Deathcap or Luden’s and he’ll melt the entire enemy team. With a blue buff, when fizz casts his mana will be reset to 20/120, rather than 0/120. 5 months ago. That leaves enough time for 2 W's, which really helps against squishier team comps you can't rundown.It's good. You should try HoB Illaoi, I think it's really fun. Well they make SoS(spear of shojin) do the same thing, So I was wondering if a good build would be Tiamat>SoS. Spear of Shojin + URF BLITZCRANK (Knockup Spam) - Duration: 2:09. Yes, it is obviously URF Gamemode.
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