As envisioned, the Do 31 would feature a pod on each wingtip with a set of vertically-mounted Rolls-Royce liftjets, plus a Bristol-Siddeley Pegasus vectored-thrust engine mounted at the middle of each wing. To lift the aircraft vertically into the air with its take-off weight of 21 metric tons, the design called for 10 engines with total thrust of 300 kN. ドルニエ Do 31(Dornier Do 31)は、西ドイツの航空機メーカーのドルニエで製造されたVTOLジェット輸送機の実験機である。. The Dornier Do 31was the only VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) transport aircraft with jet engines ever built.
Direction of Rotation:
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Das Entwicklungsprogramm beschränkte sich in der 1. Dornier Do 31: Der deutsche Senkrechtstarter war ein Superlativ.
Dornier Do 31 E-3.
The Dornier Do 31was the only VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) transport aircraft with jet engines ever built.
The first aircraft made a conventional flight without the lift engine pods on 10 February 1967. It used two 15,500 lb thrust Bristol Pegasus 5-2 engines and eight 4,400 lb thrust Rolls-Royce RB.162-4D engines. Dornier Do 31 1967: VTOL TRANSPORT: Virtual Aircraft Museum / Germany / Dornier : This program goes back to the year 1959. It could load 1,470 cubic ft of cargo through the rear loading ramp. ... Dornier DO31 VTOL …
Made the record flights, Awarded Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande and Society of Experimental Test Pilots highest award, Kinchloe. membership, or register for an event. Further information on VAK 191B displayed next to a Dornier Do 31 transport Role VTOL strike fighter: Manufacturer Vereinigte Flugtechnische Werke: First flight 10 September 1971: Status Retired Primary user German Air Force: Number built: 3 The VFW VAK 191B was an experimental German vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) strike fighter of the early 1970s.
The first aircraft made a conventional flight without the lift engine pods on 10 February 1967.
The lift engine pods were located at the ends of the 59 ft span wing. Two prototypes were used between 1967–1969 as experimental aircraft for researching and testing VTOL flight. The Do 31 was conceived as a transport air craft for supplying small airfields. 1959 begannen erste Vorarbeiten, und im Februar 1962 bekam der Flugzeughersteller Dornier den Auftrag, die Do 31 als Kampfzonentransporter der 25-Tonnen-Klasse zum Transport von 36 voll ausgerüsteten Soldaten für die Luftwaffe der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zu entwickeln. It was developed to meet military requirements, but never went into production. Differential vectoring and thrust levels were used for control in roll and yaw; pitch was affected by a puffer jet in the tail. Blade Area (per blade):
To lift the aircraft vertically into the air with its take-off weight of 21 metric tons, the design called for 10 engines with total thrust of 300 kN. Max Gross Weight (airborne):
Flew all of the test rigs and full size over 600 flights. The lift engine exhaust could be vectored backward or forward 15° for take-off and landing, respectively. In 1995 it was moved to the Flugwerft, where it was restored over a five-year period. It could load 1,470 cubic ft of cargo through the rear loading ramp.
At each wing tip, four additional lift engines in nacelles are firmly built in and support vertical take-offs and landing.After testing, the Do 31 E-3 was turned over to the Deutsches Museum. It was 68 ft long, with a two pilot crew sitting side by side. I have great respect for what he accomplished; to my knowledge, he was pilot-in-command for all flights of this great Dornier aircraft.To my person: I am a freelance journalist from Germany and wrote an article on Drury and the Do 31 for a respected German aviation magazine. The fuselage was designed to carry a 3-ton NATO lorry that could drive up a rear ramp into the cargo hold. By using our website you accept this policy. Give us a break with the gold and diamond scams you crooks .stick withe nigerian price scams requesting money. Dornier Do 31 E-3. The lift engine exhaust could be vectored backward or forward 15° for take-off and landing, respectively. After almost four years of hover rig tests of increasing size and realism to develop the autostabilization controls, three Do 31 aircraft were built: one each for conventional flight trials, ground testing, and hover and transition research.
At each wing tip, four additional lift engines in nacelles are firmly built in and support vertical take-offs and landing.After testing, the Do 31 E-3 was turned over to the Deutsches Museum. The Pegasus could vector exhaust from 30° forward to 80° back.
Empty Weight Fraction:
It used two 15,500 lb thrust Bristol Pegasus 5-2 engines and eight 4,400 lb thrust Rolls-Royce RB.162-4D engines. Direction of Rotation:
The Do 31 was designed to meet a NATO specification (BMR-4) for a tactical support aircraft for the EWR VJ 101 VTOL strike aircraft designed under the NATO contract of BMR-3. Two prototypes were used between 1967–1969 as experimental aircraft for researching and testing VTOL flight. In response, the German Dornier firm began work on a demonstrator for a VTOL transport, which was given the designation of "Do 31".
Max Level Flight Speed:
Two prototypes were used between 1967–1969 as experimental aircraft for researching and testing VTOL flight. Why does it have the large Flash Gordon-style spike on its nose?VSTOL aircraft tend to consume a large amount of fuel while in take-off / hover / landing operation.
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