People honestly still think he sucks. Expand your search to select your direct lane counter to get the optimal build for every match you play. For ****s sake. ?Well, even though I don't like the rework, maybe somebody that's happy with it can make a guide? Rating Pending.
by dkdeathfoot updated July 31, 2015. How do you not like THE Squirrel. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Get all Ratatoskr stats and find guides to help you play Smite created by players on SMITEFire. If he says it, it must be true - he's a streamer!All they have to do is Nerf the 6 proc on golden bow with the Opal acorn to fix it, it does a absurd amount of damage currentlyPikachu acorn sounds wrong. Ratatoskr, Smite God. Browse Awilix pro builds, top builds and guides. Should be Pachirisu acorn.I don't think he is broken. I'm diamond on Awilix and if I catch you with my 3+4+2 combination you're dead instantly. You're basically saying that since he But DM says it's OP, with the pikachu acorn, because of the new hunter-meta. His numbers are to high but when has hi rez gotten those perfect on the first tryRatatoskrs abilities are extremely telegraphed and avoidable when you understand his movements.
He thrives on team fights with this build and if they aren't happening (which they don't for most of the game) he isn't very good. I've looked at other sites and people are even saying he sucks..
5.9K 0 All About The Nuts. Pikachu is a mouse, not a squirrel. DISCUSSION I was thinking about this today after playing him for a while yesterday, I got enough games in to get him to mastery level 1 and then decided to consider him compared to some of the other newer gods. Loading... Unsubscribe from JediFromDabloc? 5.14Ratatoskr Jungle and Solo (Tanky and Burst Squirrel)Keep your eyes off my nuts! Smite's Awilix season 6 builds page. JediFromDabloc 4,198 views. I dont think hes OP at all, he has great mobility and decent damage but he has zero control and teamfight (since most people go Sapphire and thats whats being complained about the most).I support and jungle main, this guy still doesnt have shit on a Thor, Bastet, Hun Batz, Serqet. I'm not seeing anyone complain about this character at all. If jungle you build on hit items like frostbound/crit/etc. Rush acorn before anything pretty much. SmiteGuru - Smite's leading source for player profiles, elo rankings, and builds. Is Ratatoskr really OP in your opinion?
Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote.SMITEFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. I could see an argument for lowering the damage of his 3 a little bit but other then that I don't think he's an extremely OP or unbalanced god I think he's in a fairly decent place people are still learning him, learning how to deal with him, and while he's very fun I still feel that I have as much burst with more safety and forgiveness as Awilix then I do with Rata.Am I crazy do you really feel that Rata is that over the top?
Not that I think he isn't OP, but I can see why a lot of people might not realize it.Early game with Opal build he is pretty terrible. ... op rat build. In-depth Ratatoskr BuildRatatoskr: viable in clash, conquest, joust, it works for me.Ratatoskr: Thor with more mobility (Season 3 2nd Nerf)Very High Attack Speed and High Crit Damage Ratatoskr BuildI'm here to crack nuts and pick flowers.... And I'm all out of flowers!Well the new Rataroskr made it to Xbox without anyone surprisingly auto locking him. Learn how to play a new god, or fine tune your favorite SMITE gods’s build and strategy.Size isn't Everything! Top 5 Ways To Become A Better Hunter (ADC) In SMITE! Loading ... season 4 Best ratatoskr build - Duration: 6:40. Smite Skadi Op build JediFromDabloc. (?) We still haven't gotten the patch on console.Weak3n might honestly make a video. Late game jungle rat has good damage, solo rat doesn't.
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