On 5 June, she was hit by two large bombs that struck her port side. Related products. Wishlist (11 mates) Stash (1 mates) Started (0 mates) Nobody.
A 26,500 long tons (26,900 t) design was then prepared, which mounted eight 343 mm guns in twin turrets.The ships of the class varied slightly in dimensions. From Azur Lane Wiki. RN Roma Trumpeter Eduard 1:350 BIG5436 . At least one of these ships would have followed the three 23,000-ton ships once the building holiday expired in 1931.The Italian Navy decided that the smaller design was impractical, and that a larger design should be pursued. Vittorio Veneto (Schiff, 1940) (Weitergeleitet von RN Vittorio Veneto) Die Vittorio Veneto war ein italienisches Schlachtschiff der Littorio-Klasse der Regia Marina im Zweiten Weltkrieg. The Littorio class, also known as the Vittorio Veneto class, was a class of battleship of the Regia Marina, the Italian navy. (Essential cookies are for: preferences, security, performance analytics and contextual advertising) Login to manage your stash.
DM-121 | 1:350. Sie wurde nach der Schlacht von Vittorio Veneto im Ersten Weltkrieg benannt. In June 1943, a series of Allied air raids attacked La Spezia in an attempt to neutralize the three battleships.
She was transferred to Genoa for repairs, which were not completed before the This corresponded to 1.33 rounds per minute. RN Roma pt.3 Trumpeter Eduard 1:350 53201 . 2 main battery turret and two on either side of the rear turret.The weather deck over the citadel consists of 36 mm (1.4 in) homogeneous armor over 9 mm (0.35 in) plating;The main battery turrets were protected by 380 mm (15 in) cemented armor faces, 200 mm (7.9 in) forward sides and roof, 130 mm (5.1 in) rear sides, 150 mm (5.9 in) rear roof, and 350 mm (14 in) rear. Completed (0x) Nobody . Das nach dem 1940 in Dienst gestellten Schlachtschiff RN Vittorio Veneto zweite italienische Kriegsschiff, das nach der Ende Oktober 1918 ausgetragenen Schlacht von Vittorio Veneto benannt wurde, erhielt am 4. La nave da battaglia Vittorio Veneto fu una nave della Regia Marina italiana appartenente alla classe Littorio e rappresentò il meglio della produzione navale bellica italiana della seconda guerra mondiale. 2018 + Actions Stash . Vittorio Veneto. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies.You can change your Cookie settings at any time. Two were placed abreast the No. In September 1943, Italy capitulated and signed an Later in 1928, the design staff prepared another ship, with a displacement of 35,000 long tons (36,000 t), armed with six 406 mm (16.0 in) guns and protected against guns of the same caliber.
Fakten. The The system did not perform as effectively as expected, however.Two additional ships were laid down four years later. Keiner unserer Partnershops oder Freunde hat dies derzeit zum Verkauf.Wir kennen keine In-Box-Vorstellungen für dieses Produkt RN Vittorio Veneto (#DM-121) von Delphis Models.Dieses Thema ist kategorisiert unter: Schiffe » Battleships » Battleship Littorio-classWe use cookies to give you a great and free experience on our website. In comparison, the French The 250 mm "Cellulite" accomplished the same task as a 600mm void. While the ship itself has not been released or mentioned to be released in the future, the full CG does exist in the game files and appears in the story during the Empyreal Tragicomedy event. ) The ships' propulsion system consisted of four Belluzzo geared The ships' secondary battery consisted of twelve 152 mm (6.0 in) L/55 Ansaldo Model 1934 guns in four triple turrets. November 1969 in Triest seine von der Stadt Vittorio Veneto … Jump to navigation Jump to search. RN Vittorio Veneto Delphis Models | Nr. We don't know about any in-box reviews for this RN Vittorio Veneto (#05320) from Trumpeter.
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