Al poner rumbo de vuelta a casa, la capitana Janeway y su tripulación se embarcan en un excitante y peligroso viaje a través del espacio desconocido.Kate Mulgrew, Robert Beltran, Robert Picardo, Roxann Dawson Star Trek: Voyager.
... Star Trek Online Remembers René Auberjonois. Géneros: Aventura , Fantasía, Acción, Ciencia Ficción, Drama. Star Trek: Voyager. Facebook / XBOX / STEAM Star Trek: The Animated Series.
Numarul de sezoane: 7 Aventura , Fantasía, Acción, Ciencia Ficción, DramaTransportada al Cuadrante Delta por una fuerza hostil que ha matado a la mitad de su tripulación, la capitana Kathryn Janeway se ve forzada a hacer un pacto con los asaltantes: la tripulación de una nave de oficiales renegados de la Federación, conocidos como Maquis.
Neelix plays babysit-the-drunk when Tomin (guest star Scott Thompson,) the Kadi Ambassador turns from preacher to party animal. Staff, También están las violentas y amenazadoras razas locales, como los belicosos Kazon, y los siniestros cosechadores de órganos de la Sodalidad Vidiiana. Upcoming Events. Star Trek: Voyager. Título Original: Star Trek: Voyager. An email will not be created automatically. Kathryn Janeway and her newly launched U.S.S. Star Trek: Enterprise. Packed with Borg, Species 8472, the Swarm, and more, each episode provides an enjoyable experience. Anul lansarii: 1995.
Each disc contains 4 episodes with the last disc including interesting special features. Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go where no one has gone before. Mientras la tensión entre los Maquis y los oficiales de la Flota Estelar estalla en violentos incidentes ocasionales, la tripulación tiene que enfrentarse a peligros mayores y más mortíferos, bajo la forma de misteriosas anomalías espaciales que amenazan con destruir la nave en más de una ocasión. I only wish the … Players take the captain's chair as they command their own starship and crew. Pulled to the far side of the galaxy, where the Federation is 75 years away at maximum warp speed, a Starfleet ship must cooperate with Maquis rebels to find a way home. Star Trek: Discovery. Star Trek: Voyager S1 E1, 2 Caretaker, Part 1 & 2 While on a short-term mission to track an infiltrated Maquis cell, Capt. Your password must include at least 8 characters with a combination of upper/lower case, number and symbol. Star Trek: Voyager Season 3 DVD.
Voyager makes first contact with the Kadi, a ritualistic race with many social protocol. Star Trek Online wurde von den Cryptic Studios, den Machern von Hits wie City of Heroes und City of Villains, entwickelt. Margaret Kingsbury,
Star Trek Night at St. Louis Cardinals.
31 August 2020. 2371: Voyager launches under the command of Captain Kathryn Janeway. The Doctor finds himself falling for his student. Her first mission, a combat mission to disrupt the Maquis, brings the ship to the Badlands, where she is transported 70,000 light years across the galaxy to the Delta Quadrant. This is a great season! Living Star Trek: How Two Women Breathed New Life into the Franchise24 Classic Sci-Fi Books To Read Based On Your Favorite Star Trek Character15 Times Star Trek Proved That it's Here For the LolzThe Story Behind Star Trek V: The Final Frontier's Musical MomentThe Top Moments From the Star Trek Universe Panel at SDCC@HomeMeet the Star Trek Inspired Chef who Boldly Brings Intergalactic Flavors to LifeStar Trek: Lower Decks Announces Exclusive T-Shirt ClubThe Top Moments From the Star Trek Universe Panel at SDCC@HomeStar Trek: Lower Decks Sets Release Date, Previews First Trailer, and Series PosTransport Into the Star Trek Universe At Comic-Con@HomeDayton Ward Answers Questions About New Book, Agents of InfluencePride and Players' Choice Arrive for Star Trek Timelines Star Trek Adventures' Strange New Worlds RPG has ArrivedStar Trek Timelines Announces “Mudd Amuck” Mega-Event and More10 Games That'll Make You Feel Like You've Enlisted in StarfleetWhy 'A Final Unity' is the Perfect 'Star Trek' Gaming Experience
In order to save the peaceful Ocampa, Janeway makes a fateful decision to destroy the array that brought the ship to the remote region, thus stranding her crew 75 years from home. Staff, In Star Trek Online, the Star Trek universe appears for the first time on a truly massive scale. Seven takes the advice of the Captain and The Doctor gives her classes in dating.
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