rezo cdu youtube

    Hello, visitor! The video, which included statistics on Germany's wealth and gender gaps as well as foreign policy, has been seen nearly 4 million times since going online on Saturday. Yannick Frickenschmidt, better known as Rezo, is a German YouTuber, vlogger and influencer who in 2019 ignited a fiery political debate with his video "Die Zerstörung der CDU". Social Blade LLC. "But that isn't journalism. If you'd like to get more favorites, please consider upgrading to a premium account We use cookies to improve our service for you. "Tiemo Wölken, a Social Democrat in the European Parliament and fellow YouTuber, said it is "silly" to rebuke Rezo for the video. The Saxony regional election on September 1 represents the best chance for the AfD to regain lost momentum, and the party hopes regional chairman Jörg Urban can lead them to an outright victory. You can find more information in our data protection declaration.A YouTuber has come under attack from politicians in Chancellor Angela Merkel's CDU, accusing him of spreading false information about the party. Music producer claims country’s conservative alliance has created deep divideA video in which a leading German YouTuber delivers an almost hour-long In it, he accused Angela Merkel’s conservative alliance, as well as its coalition partner, the Social Democrats, of pursuing an unsustainable form of politics that he said “is destroying our lives and our future”.Media analysts have expressed their astonishment that a video on politics has gone viral, a status usually reserved for music, mishaps, fashion or pets.Sitting at a mixing desk wearing a top emblazoned with “Architects”, the post-metalcore band from Brighton, Rezo said his video – which he referred to as a “personal rant” – resulted from several weeks spent analysing the Christian Democratic Union of The alliance, he said, had created an ever deeper divide between the super-rich and the majority of Germans with “the 45 richest households in Germany owning so much as the poorest 50%”.Rezo then delivered a passionate lecture with statistics and video inserts focused mainly on climate change but also lack of equal opportunities, foreign and security policy and the recent EU copyright row.Towards the end of his tirade, he addressed politicians, saying: “You always say that young people should be political, in which case you have to get to grips with it when they think your politics are shit.”He said even though EU politics was “fucking boring”, Germans should participate on Sunday, when the country will vote in the EU parliamentary elections, because the outcome of the vote would have a knock-on effect on the parties’ national standing. Frank-Walter Steinmeier did this after Merkel struggled to form a coalition following the 2017 election. Please consider adding to your adblock whitelist. Our ads support the development and upkeep of the site. Saxony has always been a conservative stronghold. Writing in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper, Fridtjof Küchemann said across Germany It was roundly condemned by CDU supporters, one of whom, Philipp Graefe, Rezo, also known for has trademark dyed blue hair, was better known until this week for music and comedy videos. We use cookies to improve our service for you. He may play kingmaker in late 2019.Another key regional election is in Thuringia, where incumbent Bodo Ramelow is the first and only state premier to come from the Left party, the successor to the socialist party in Communist East Germany. The destruction of the CDU (German: Die Zerstörung der CDU) is the title of a video released on May 18, 2019 in the run-up to the 2019 European elections by the German YouTuber Rezo on YouTube. Habeck will be instrumental in determining the course the environmentalists choose to take in 2019.Of the four regional elections in 2019, the one in Saxony is arguably the most significant. A YouTuber has come under attack from politicians in Chancellor Angela Merkel's CDU, accusing him … Saxony has always been a conservative stronghold. YouTube Stats Summary / User Statistics for Rezo ja lol ey (2020-07-20 - 2020-08-02)

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    rezo cdu youtube