It is very worrying and disappointing.
According to figures from the The UK and Italy are the hardest-hit countries in Europe, with more than 46,000 and 35,000 deaths respectively. be safe!Hi myself and my husband are booked on a cruise to norway in may. You are not a resident of Norway. stay well and enjoy your visitThank you. Thank youHi, I have lots of friends in Norway and have worked there in the past.
Of course, no one knows and we can only hope for the best. I think the biggest mistake is this ban to be lifted on the 20 April. A quick question – do you know if we are allowed to post letters, packages etc to Norway from abroad yet? Kindly advise.Do not cancel ! I can’t call him, I had to cancel my visit to him, I always visit to celebrate 17th of May & his Birthday ; and in December for Christmas activities, since I live so far away in Los Angeles,CA.
Thanks for your efforts and time. i’ve contacted them directly, the head of our program, and professors. but it could have been worse, without all the meassures taken.
This article became one of my go-to webpages during the last days and is a great support to manage both my everday life and my related fears and anxieties. You are doing a much better job than the Norwegian authorities informing people. We are both in our 50’s with no underlying health issues. They say just keep wash and clean ur hand. I suspect the rationale behind this decision is the majority of the Norwegian parliamentarians have second homes and they wish to get away and visit. Viele Hamburger Betriebe spüren die Auswirkungen, die der Ausbruch des Coronavirus' mit sich bringt. It is not worth the risk to get sick on your holiday…or worse. I should go to Norway next March 20, and get the Hurtigruten Cruze on March, 25, In Ålesund….but now I gave up!! That is a long paid spring/summer holiday. I travel from the UK regularly since my boyfriend moved to Oslo for work, and obviously he has the right to reside in Norway and I do not. Are there any travel ban if you came from the Philippines arrive US March 8 , I reside in Washington State – Puyallup WA . This reflects increased activity in the population in recent weeks. Your Tax free shopping bag must be sealed and the receipt clearly visible inside the bag. Corona can be transmitted while asymptomatic and droplets have a reach of six feet. PEOPLE SHOULD STAY HOMEEEE,IS POSSIBLE TO SPREAD THIS AROUND WITHOUT KNOWING… OR GET SICK YOURSELF….Hope people did not read your comment.. nobody was allowed to enter.. and now. People with symptoms of Covid-19 should not visit the embassy, please call us. What would you recommend? Email. I don’t know what else to do because even if I get approved and get a temporary resident visa, how will I even get there? Cover your mouth and nose if you cough.”The new virus was first discovered in Wuhan, China at the end of December 2019. Ferries necessary for Lorries , Ambulances etcI live in Norway (Stavanger) and went to the UK to visit family and friends in March. I have not seen my children since February and I’m sleeping on a friends sofa. Parades and all kinds of events are planned. is there any restriction to entryCome as soon as you can, they don’t still have any restriction as the number of cases just started increasing. Få reisetips, nytt om nye ruter, shopping, mat og drikke og tips til reisen din på e-post. If they don’t stop me and ask me to home quarantine in Tromso instead, would I be allowed to stay at my boyfriend’s place as in a home quarantine?Yes. thanksHi Krishna, Pls cancel your trip. temporary close to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus. Do you foresee the event being cancelled?I’m from Genoa, Italy. I have read the travel restrictions in Norway for U.S. citizens and exercise common sense, but does anyone out there have an idea about how things might be in terms of travel and COVID-19 come September?
Be happy to live secluded and do not meet people, friendship and love are not affected by the freaking virus, use phone, skype but stay isolated. Should we cancel?Hi!
If you are currently traveling in Norway and have questions about the coronavirus (COVID-19), you can call the national information line at +47 815 55 015.I was born in the U.K. but moved to Norway in 2011 and haven't looked back. It was so good hearing her voice.
Even if you, assumingly not residing in Norway at the moment, will not be able to come to Norway, you will be able to attend classes online.I cannot find the announcement Could you let me know where it is posted/announced?My wife and l are in our 70s living in West Telemark in an area with no Covid19 cases. Do you feel that is wise?That seems like a perfect solution. I am a healthy 60 year old physician. Everyone is familiar with Herd Immunity.
Many of the early cases were then recorded in the Oslo region, including six employees of the eye department at Oslo’s Ullevaal Hospital.In the early days of the outbreak in Norway, the majority of people who have tested positive were either infected abroad or are close contacts of someone who was. We in the UK acted late but we have lockdown now. The vast majority of tourist attractions including ski resorts and museums are closed. I know she would thrilled if any of you could send her a card to : Heartland Health Care Center 833-16th Avenue Moline,lllinois 61265 Room 158 in care of Kirsten Early. Confusion at Oslo Airport. I personally would not travel anywhere right now.
0244 Oslo Norge. Anyone have a crystal ball?! do not believe that this will never target you! Stay healthy everyone!Just don’t its at the brink of virus outbreak.. please dont risk itI am attending a conference in Oslo in May, and I’ll be very sad if it gets canceled!Thanks k you for the information.
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