For the most part, i play medium to long range AP shooting.
It's been working out great for meNobody using IFHE? Deck is 37mm, rest is 32mmvs. BFT, AFT or Manuel fire control?
The ship was developed from a series of German heavy cruisers. Reduces ship detectabilty range-10 % to detectability of destroyers-12 % to detectability of cruisers-14 % to detectability of battleships-16 % to detectability of aircraft carriers. Expert Marksman - 2. I do not think DE is worth a 3 point skill for only an effective %1 increase after fire chance reduction of the enemies. My build for 15 points seems to be working nicely so far on Hindenburg: Expert Loader - 1. Concealment Expert 4 Points. That's still a high number but it's much better than what it was before. Don't think Radio Location or IFHE are appropriate for either ship at 4 point level. You're investing at least 7-8 skill points into boosting your AA - and probably AA Mod 2 as well - but the ROI is good if you're out to shred planes. Hindenburg captain skills. Which AA skill should I choose? Which AA skill should I choose?
I'm using CE and concealment module so I do get to spam HE shells every now and then ...Same commander is used for Graf Spee and will move to Hindenburg when I finish the Roon grind.VG isn't entirely necessary, especially if you have SGM3 equippedDE is highly useful in many situations where ships are angled at youAlternatively, you can pick up Adrenalin Rush to improve your damage output after you take damage. you can use the last 4 on something else.i am usually using exclusive AP, so didnt see the need for DE, but do get a lot of deflections.I easily rack up 100k dmg from shooting HE in Hindenburg.I think AFT is necessary on Hindenburg, especially if you run hydro.5.0km range on the 55mm mounts is good, but the mounts themselves area easily knocked out and cannot be relied upon in the long run.PM is very useless on Hindenburg, as PM only affects main caliber turrets, torpedo tubes, engine and propeller.
IFHE is definitely not worth it since you don't really get to pen that many parts you already didn't before and Hindenburg has low HE Alpha so the fires are actually better.
It's been working out great for meIt was pretty easy racking up 100k dmg from Hindenburg HE before the skill change.Yeah, IFHE on 203mm shells only makes you more effective against 3 ships.vs. [WOLFG] The upgrade in Slot 3 is largely dependent on how captains intend to invest commander skill points on Hindenburg and the role they want her to fulfill in a given game. I'm not sure what to take now that the captain skills have been reshuffled.all German Cruisers can use PT, EM, AR, DE, CE for 12 point. I'm using CE and concealment module so I do get to spam HE shells every now and then ...Same commander is used for Graf Spee and will move to Hindenburg when I finish the Roon grind.I have three points available on my Roon captain and cannot make up my mind on which skill to pick - DE, SE or Vigilance? BFT, AFT or Manuel fire control? Jack of all Trades and Superintendent.
Jump to: To log in, select the region where your account is registeredNo boost to continuous damage in a reinforced sector.The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken. I am guessing I will spend my 16 points on:And I'll just save the last three while I figure out whether to burn them as is (maybe BFT, or EM) or save for AFT. I used Manuel before the last round of captain changes but I'm kind of curious as to what everyone things helps the most.I have 4 points to spend on my Hindenburg captain. I guess the final 4 points would depend largely on what the player feels they need the mostPrett much the same, though i go with +1 catapault for more spotting and pseudo aa buff. Which is practically always in cruisers.Agreed with MrDeaf; take Adrenaline Rush before DE. Nobody using IFHE? Of which only torps ever get knocked out permanently and regularly.I'm about ready to go through the wiki pages for the German CA's and get their commander skills updated. You need to play a total of 10 battles to post in this section. If you still want to sink points into your AA on Hindenburg, grab MFAA. You can get a lot of info from RPF not just oh hes that way *points in general direction*, and there isn't much else I want or need beyond the build above.i am usually using exclusive AP, so didnt see the need for DE, but do get a lot of deflections.I went PM, EM, SE, BFT, AFT and Man Sec with my 17 pt Captain. I am nearly finished getting to the Hindenburg and I need some help with my captain skills. If i screwed the pooch on this one please enlighten me. Suggestions? This commander already has AR as his 2p skill, two more points to go, this will be a decision between EM or PT+PM ... but one I don't have to make any time soon Lots of compromise in 0.6 it seems. The main issue I faced with the Hindenburg … NC: allows penetration of deck, but no change to sides. I had concealment in the past, but wasnt sure if it was as valuable. Superintendent - 3.
Have a 17 point Roon captain and 14 point Hindenburg captain. Concealment Expert - 4 I don't even know what I'd use the other 4 points in if the captain had 19 skill points. MFC doesnt seem appropriate, and in the past, didnt see enough CV;s to justify AFT.My build for 15 points seems to be working nicely so far on Hindenburg:I don't even know what I'd use the other 4 points in if the captain had 19 skill points. Unlike ships of preceding classes, she boasted an increased displacement and more powerful main battery guns.Sporting more main battery rifles than all other Tier X cruisers save the Japanese Signals boosting the fire chance of her main battery — Victor Lima ( Here's what I'll likely recommend.Key skills: BFT, AFT, MFAA.
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