One variant of the common A6M5 Zero single-seat fighter—the A6M5d-S—had a 20mm Type 99 cannon mounted just …
With the Schräge Musik installation on the IJNAS's Nakajima J1N1-S "Gekko" (two or three 20mm cannons firing upwards, some had two firing downwards), the Nakajima C6N1-S "Myrt" single-engined, high-speed reconnaissance aircraft was used with a pair of 20 mm Type 99 cannons. It was given the Allied reporting name "Irving", since the earlier reconnaissance version the J1N1-C, was mistaken for a fighter. L'appareil reçut le nom de J1N1-C (ou J1N1-R selon les sources japonaises) et fut fabriqué en petite série : 54 exemplaires incluant les prototypes. Work started on September 7, 1979, and ended December 14, 1983, following 17,000 hours of meticulous, dedicated labor. During the war with China, Japanese naval pilots complained of excessive bomber losses to Chinese fighters based beyond the range of Japanese fighters. It was transported from Japan to the U.S. where it was flight tested by the U.S. Army Air Forces in 1946.
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Four IRVINGs were in this group: three captured at Atsugi and one from Yokosuka. This immediate success caught the attention of the Naval Staff and they ordered Nakajima to begin full-scale production. Daten (J1N1-S) Besatzung: 2 Länge: 10,85 m Flügelspannweite: 16,98 m Tragflügelfläche: 46,0 m² Höhe: 4,56 m Leermasse: 4.840 kg Startmasse: normal 7.010 kg maximal 8.184 kg Antrieb: 2 × Nakajima Sakae, je 843 kW (1.130 PS) Höchstgeschwindigkeit: 507 km/h Steigleistung: 522 m/min Reichweite: 3.778 km Dienstgipfelhöhe: 9.320 m Bewaffnung
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Between April 1942 and March 1943, Nakajima delivered just fifty-four of the new model, the J1N1-C, including four prototypes.
Dans ce cas, le phare de recherche qui se trouvait au bout du cône de nez était déplacé en dessous. Pierwsze loty bojowe w ramach testów maszyn serii przedprodukcyjnej miały być wykonywane z bazy w Rabaul na Nowej …
Armament: (2) 20 mm fixed upward firing cannon Engines: (2) Nakajima Sakae 21 (NK1F, Ha35- 21) 14- cylinder air-cooled radial 1,130 horsepower (metric)This object is on display in the World War II Aviation (UHC) at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, VA.Originally designed as a three-seat, daylight escort fighter plane by the Nakajima Aeroplane Company, Ltd., and flown in 1941, the IRVING was modified as a night fighter in May of 1943 and shot down two American B-17 bombers to prove its capability. Widoczne wokół samoloty to bombowce Mitsubishi G4M, w lewym dolnym rogu widoczny jest także dziób innego Nakajimy J1N1-S. Zdjęcie wykonano w 1945 roku już po kapitulacji Japonii. The Navy transferred '7334 to the Army in early June, and an army pilot flew the Gekko on June 15, 1946, for about 35 minutes. Maintenance crews cleaned out the observer's position behind the pilot and mounted two 20 mm cannon fixed to fire above and to the front of the new night fighter at a 30-degree angle. Twin-engine, conventional layout with tailwheel-type landing gear.Engines: (2) Nakajima Sakae 21 (NK1F, Ha35- 21) 14- cylinder air-cooled radial 1,130 horsepower (metric)Overall: 15ft 1 1/8in. The first flight took place in May 1941.
Nakajima J1N1-S. Un gruppo di Nakajima J1N mentre riscaldano i motori prima del decollo.
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