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?? The 12,7mm machine guns on the aft are mounted of ASELSAN build TCG Kınalıada was launched on 3 July 2017 and commissioned on 29 September 2019. She is the first ship to be fitted with the Atmaca anti-ship missiles.Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.
The 12,7mm machine guns on the aft are mounted of ASELSAN build STAMP (Stabilized Machine Gun Platform) and they are controlled remotely.
There should be some surprise element for enemy.we do not know which country but sonar is already in use for a long timeI don't like the way every minor detail is being published by Turkish media about equipment. ?I don't like the way every minor detail is being published by Turkish media about equipment. The missions of MİLGEM class are showing the flag, search/rescue, patrol, observation, and anti-submarine warfare.The sonar of MİLGEM class is being produced in Turkey.
The Ada class (also known as the MILGEM project), is a Turkish national warship program, the purpose of which was to build a modern littoral combat ship with indigenous anti-submarine warfare and high-seas patrol capabilities, extensively using the principles of stealth technology in its design.
Three Ada class corvettes in formation with Burak class corvettes and other FACM of the Turkish Navy In 2014, the head of naval projects for SSM, said that a request for proposals (RfP) for the Batch II (from ship 5) corvettes (also known as MILGEM -G) was expected to be issued by the end of the year. The Ada class is a class of corvettes, a part of the MILGEM project, developed primarily for the Turkish Navy.The Turkish Navy has already commissioned all four Ada-class corvettes, and more are scheduled to enter into service in due course. In a sense, the MILGEM for Pakistan can be the fourth variant, though it is more of a side or lateral branch-out from the Ada-class than a vertical development like the Istanbul-class or TF-2000. La classe Ada est une classe turque de corvettes lance-missiles, multirôles et furtives, construite par et pour la Marine turque.Livrée à partir de 2011, la classe Ada comprend 12 corvettes.La classe Ada constitue le premier programme sous propriété intellectuelle turque … Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) The sonar of MİLGEM class is being produced in Turkey. It is unclear if the fourth ship – i.e., the first designed in Pakistan – will be a continuation of the Ada-class with VLS, or a new design entirely. The keel of the first ships TCG Heybeliada was laid on 26th July 2005 in Istanbul Naval Ship Yard and she was launched on 27 September 2008 . The MILGEM Ada Class Corvette is a modern stealth patrol and anti-submarine warfare combatant naval ship. Pakistan-Turkey 4 Milgem Ada Class Corvettes Contract - Construction started Discussion in 'Pakistan Navy' started by BHarwana, Jul 8, 2018. There should be some surprise element for enemy.what is the difference between fersah and yakamoz sonar sytems? MILGEM is a state-of-the-art surface platform equipped with the modern surface, subsurface, and anti-air weapons, sensors, and combat management systems. A Look at Latest Status of the PN MİLGEM Project Issue 97 The project, which was signed on September 6, 2018, and started on March 11, 2019 (T0), includes the construction of a total of 4 frigates based on the ADA Class Corvette design for the Pakistan Navy. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.
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