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    After a brief overview of the shipyard group and its sister shipyards NOBISKRUG and LINDENAU , "seeing” and “experiencing” were paramount during the two and a half hours shipyard visit. Arbeitgeber / Firma. Februar 2020, 16:23 Uhr Kiel | Die rund 1000 Beschäftigten der Provinzial-Versicherung.

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    President of the Landtag, Klaus Schlie, together with a high-level delegation from South Tyrol visit GERMAN NAVAL YARDS in Kiel High-ranking visit at GERMAN NAVAL YARDS: Fifteen parliamentarian delegates of South Tyrol and Schleswig-Holstein under the leadership of the Landtag President Klaus Schlie and his colleague, Dr. Thomas Widmann, from South Tyrol visited Kiel on Monday, 19th of June … Chargemap Pass incompatible Learn More. on this ASN.There are no known IPv6 addresses belonging to this networkWe don't currently have any network speed data for this network. for this ASN.Utilize our APIs to get information on any IP address including geolocation, ASN and

    In July 2009, the Schleswig-Holstein state government agreed to make considerable investments in the modernization of the structural infrastructure on the Kiel and Lübeck campuses.

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    The entry of Dr. Widmann says: “Thank you very much for the staggering welcome and the site tour of this magnificent shipyard” and the Landtag President Schlie added: "It was a terrific experience for the President of the Landtag, too!” Vous avez une question à propos de notre chantier naval, de notre groupe de chantiers navals ou d’un projet concret ?

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    "We are deeply honored to welcome you as guests to our shipyard and we very much appreciate your interest ", Susanne Wiegand, Managing Director of GERMAN NAVAL YARDS Kiel (GNYK) said when welcoming the guests. The crowning moment of the parliamentarians’ visit was the panoramic view from the 900-ton gantry crane and its 100 m high "Sky Lounge“, above the shipyard.

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