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    For BlackRock funds that do not have segregated liability status, in the event of a single BlackRock fund being unable to meet liabilities attributable to that BlackRock fund out of the assets attributable to it, the excess may be met out of the assets attributable to the other BlackRock funds within the same company. Cookies eingesetzt, um Nutzungsdaten beispielsweise zur Ausspielung personalisierter Werbung durch uns und eingebundene Dritte zu erfassen und auszuwerten. Per informazioni dettagliate relative al Morningstar Star Rating per le azioni, La Stima del Quantitative Fair Value rappresenta la stima di Morningstar del valore odierno dell'azione di una società, espresso in dollari per azione. We do not control the setting of these third party cookies, so we suggest you might wish to check the third party websites for more information about their use of cookies and how to manage them.If you wish to remove cookies set by our Website from your browser in the future, you may delete them. Né Bloomberg né Barclays sono affiliate con i Consulenti dei Fondi BlackRock o le relative affiliate e né Bloomberg né Barclays approvano, sostengono, rivedono o raccomandano gli ETF iShares. Because such events/behaviour may turn out to be different than expected, Morningstar does not guarantee that a fund will perform in line with its Morningstar Analyst Rating. Le Aziende non emettono, approvano, vendono o promuovono il fondo iShares NASDAQ-100® (DE) e non rilasciano alcuna garanzia e ricusano qualsiasi responsabilità in relazione al Prodotto. Further information is available in the Prospectus or other constitutional document for each fund. The Morningstar Analyst Rating™ is subjective in nature and reflects Morningstar’s current expectations of future events/behaviour as they relate to a particular fund. The instructions for removing cookies from your computer or mobile device depend on the operating system and web browser you use. Nikkei Inc. e/o Nikkei Digital Media, Inc. non sono in alcun modo collegati al fondo e si limitano a concedere la licenza al licenziatario per l’utilizzo di determinati marchi e del Nikkei 225 per il fondo stesso. Such correspondence may be with you, our client, other members of the BlackRock Group, our service providers or public or judicial authorities with the necessary authorisation.In many cases, we also use your personal information to conduct due diligence checks in advance of providing products or services to you or our client, and to process an application from you or a prospective client to receive products or services from us. 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BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited ha ottenuto in licenza d’uso da FTSE tutti i diritti d’autore e sulle informazioni d’archivio necessari per creare questi prodotti.L’indice SPI® di cui al presente documento è di proprietà di Markit Indices Limited ed è utilizzato in licenza. iShares® è un marchio registrato di BlackRock Fund Advisors o delle relative consociate.Gli ETF iShares non sono sponsorizzati, approvati, commercializzati o promossi da S&P; S&P non rilascia alcuna dichiarazione circa la convenienza degli investimenti nel prodotto.iSTOXX® FactSet Ageing Population Index , iSTOXX® FactSet Automation & Robotics Index , EURO STOXX 50®, iSTOXX® FactSet Digitalisation Index , EURO STOXX® Select Dividend 30 Index, EURO STOXX 50 ex Financials index, EURO STOXX® Mid, EURO STOXX® Small, EURO STOXX® Total Market Growth Large, EURO STOXX® Total Market Value Large, iSTOXX® FactSet Breakthrough Healthcare Index e STOXX® Europe 50 sono proprietà intellettuale (inclusi i marchi registrati) di STOXX Limited, Zurigo, Svizzera e/o dei suoi datori di licenza (“datori di licenza”), ed è utilizzato dietro licenza. Per informazioni dettagliate relative alla Stima del Valore Equo Quantitativo, Ottobre si chiude con oltre 37 miliardi di flussi in entrata, di cui 20 sui prodotti a reddito fisso. Bloomberg e Barclays declinano qualsivoglia responsabilità nei confronti dei Consulenti dei Fondi BlackRock, delle rispettive affiliate, degli investitori negli ETF iShares o di altre terze parti con riferimento all’utilizzo o alla correttezza degli ‘Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Intermediate Credit Bond Index (Total Return)’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays US Government Inflation-Linked Bond Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays Euro Aggregate Bond Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays Euro Corporate 1-5 Year Bond Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays Euro Corporate ex Financials 1-5 Year Bond Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays Euro Corporate ex Financials Bond Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays EUR Corporate Interest Rate Hedged Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays Euro Short Treasury (0-12 Months) Bond Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays Euro Government Bond 10-15 yr Term Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays Euro Government Bond 1-3 Year Term Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays Euro Government Bond 30 Year Term Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays Euro Government Bond 5 Year Term Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays Euro Government Bond 3-7 Year Term Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays Euro Government Bond 5-7yr Term Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays Euro Government Bond 10 Year Term Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays Euro Government Inflation Linked Bond Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays Euro Corporate Bond Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays Euro Treasury Bond Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays EM Local Currency Gov Bond Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays Emerging Markets Asia Local Currency Govt Country Capped Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays Global Corporate ex EM Fallen Angels 3% Issuer Capped Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays France Treasury Bond Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays Global Government AAA-AA Capped Bond Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Corporate Index (EUR hedged)’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Corporate Bond Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays World Government Inflation-Linked Bond Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays September 2018 Maturity US Corporate Index’, ‘Bloomberg Barclays Italy Treasury Bond Index’ e ‘Bloomberg Barclays Spain Treasury Bond Index’ o di qualsivoglia dato ivi incluso.

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