The Jak and Daxter Trilogy

    Jak & Daxter Collection - PS Vita

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    The legendary double act Jak and Daxter leap onto PlayStation Vita in bumper collection The Jak and Daxter Trilogy.These classic PlayStation 2 platformers have been spruced up for the handheld experience you can only get with PS Vita. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote.

    NN vi preoccupate perche NN So come e tutto in italiano solo i testi sulla scatola sono in inglese !!!

    Ouvre la Galerie photos.

    Jak II (Limited Run #212) - PlayStation 4 You can see the individual frames, and slowdown is everywhere.

    Sly Cooper Collection PS Vita

    Jak and Daxter - The Precursor Legacy Playstation PS2 game. Select your address Jak and Daxter Collection - PlayStation Vita Jak and Daxter is a series that seems to be abandoned by Naughty Dog.

    Savings represents a discount off the List Price. Jak and his friends must now race for their lives in the biggest combat racing on the planet - against the best drivers in the world!These titles have been converted from the original PlayStation®2 version to the PS4™ system.

    Works incredibly well on the Vita. 1,15 EUR 2 enchères + 32,45 EUR livraison .

    It brought back memories.

    This shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed. Test your wits and your skills as you embark on a journey to reverse your best friend's transformation into a furry Ottsel, even as he entangles you in his amusing antics. The model takes into account factors including the age of a rating, whether the ratings are from verified purchasers, and factors that establish reviewer trustworthiness.Sorry, we failed to record your vote.

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    Bought as a pressie for my grandson I hope he has lots of fun playing it.

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    The Jak and Daxter Collection™ features all three best-selling PlayStation®2 classic hits: Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy®, Jak II™ and Jak 3™ fully remastered in high definition and stereoscopic 3D.

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    Accompanied by your trusty friend Daxter, unleash the dark powers on multiple enemies and witness amazing transformations.

    Join the Join the fearless warrior and his sassy sidekick on three of their greatest adventures Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy, Jak II: Renegade and Jak 3 and re-live their never-ending pursuit of dastardly villains wherever you go!Jak and Daxter: The Precursor LegacyThe first game in the series sees Jak and his friend Daxter (who has been turned into an ottsel part otter, part weasel) as they try to save their world from the villainous Gol and Maia, who plan to flood it with Dark Eco.

    The strikethrough price is the List Price.

    Would definitely recommend them for people that want Jak and Daxter games with graphical updates and trophies.

    With potent weapons, armor, and vehicles, Jak also discovers that there is an emerging power inside him - the ability to balance Dark Jak and Light Jak.

    gioco molto bello ben fatto !

    Purchase and download these games from PlayStation Store.Enter a new world of magic, adventure, exploration, and discovery where enormous vistas and exotic characters lead you to places beyond your imagination.

    Deadly lands and dangerous creatures are just the beginning, though, and soon Jak's worst nightmare threatens his world. Together you must now take on these endeavors.Jak is back in another action-packed adventure, but he's not the same.

    The Ratchet & Clank Trilogy (UK)

    Experiments with Dark Eco have gone wrong, leaving Jak with an uncontrollable dark side.

    Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 28, 2014Reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 18, 2015After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in.After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in.

    Totalmente en castellano. Only one person holds the secret behind the power of the mysterious Eco. Dark Eco.

    Before you groan, understand that this game is much more than a Crash offshoot.

    While it does have a very familiar and comfortable feel to it, it also has …

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    The Jak and Daxter Trilogy