Identical twins are separated at six months and raised on different continents. Programming subject to regional availability, blackouts, and device restrictions. 2.0 out of 5 stars Perfect for Anyone With An IQ of 80 (or lower) Reviewed in the United States on December 9, 2018.
Seeing a naked hot chick, dudes get scissor kicked in the chest, and people shot in the face by TWO Jean-Claude Van Dammes in Hong Kong, is a great way to spend two hours forgetting about how much real life is a disappointment. … Sign In.
Rent/Buy. Originaltitel: Double Impact; Genre: Buddy Cop-Film, Actionfilm; Bewerten: 5 (1 Bewertungen) Erscheinungsjahr: 1991; Regisseur: Sheldon Lettich; Schauspieler: Jean-Claude Van Damme, Geoffrey Lewis, Alicia Stevenson, Bolo Yeung, Paul Aylett, Andy Armstrong, Alan Scarfe; Land: USA; Laufzeit: 105 minuten; Geballte Ladung ist ein Buddy Cop-Film aus dem Jahr 1991 von … Film grain is kept and the transfer is otherwise pretty clean. One remarkable thing about this picture is that Van Damme is pretty good playing a tough/angry guy alongside a more sensitive, upbeat kind of guy--this film alone proves that the man can act, despite what people may think (to be honest, I was quite shocked as to how it felt like two different people playing these parts!).
Amazon calculates a product’s star ratings based on a machine learned model instead of a raw data average.
Read more. Comment Report abuse. There are some muddy and soft edges here and there, but the detail is great and sharp and this is probably the best this film will ever look as I don't see Criterion adding this to their catalog or anyone re-mastering restoring the original negative at any point in time. Please try againQuickly browse titles in our catalog based on the ones you have picked. As expected, there are lots of hand to hand combat scenes which are well shot, as is most of the movie. Decent Van Damme film if you like his films you will like this
Play. Watch for FREE. PG-13 • Action, Adventure • Movie (2006) The Grey. Live TV is available in the 50 United States and the District of Columbia only.
Find out where Double Impact is streaming, if Double Impact is on Netflix, and get news and updates, on Decider. Cheesy, sure but the fight choreography is decent.
Bolo Yeung is rather intimidating, and that fight scene between Mr. Yeung and JCVD in the warehouse(at the end) is my favourite. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. TV Shows; Movies; Sign In; Sign Up. Standard actioner for Van Damme finds him traveling to Hong Kong to meet his twin brother (whom he had been unaware of) in order to settle his father's estate--but the brother named Alex is involved with a dangerous gang known as the Triad, and all hell breaks loose thereafter!
Live TV may vary by subscription and location. Jean-Claude twice. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. New subscribers only. What is better than one JCVD, two JCVD'S. Awesome job of playing twins separated as infants only to find each other, set aside their differences, and go after the guys who had their parents murdered. Sign In.
My favorite JCVD movie. Multiple concurrent streams and HD content may require higher bandwidth. Resume. Good film from when van damme actually made good films, well worth a watch, although don't spend more than a £10. arrived very quickly.
They were very pleased with it. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on September 21, 2019Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 16, 2018
108min. Rotten Tomatoes™ 35% 42%.
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