The Canadair Regional Jet 900 aircraft is the Bombardier CRJ900 jet. I'm on this plane every other week for the last year. Economy has 68 seats; Business class has 2 seats; this is pretty standard for these aircraft. 16/18 rows are the best rows in the house for economy. 27 … Overhead compartments are small so roller and larger bags will be checked at the gate. Lufthansa Bombardier Canadair CRJ 900 1 4.5 of 5 based on 3 user ratings Reviews. No storage oberhead Legroom-wise, the Economy pitch of 0cm " is average, the Business class pitch of 0cm " is average, though of course what that means for you depends on how tall you are! Your review will show up on Seatlink shortly and will help thousands of other travelers find a better seat for their flight. Plane was clean and leg room decent. SeatGuru User on View wise, the aircraft has very large windows compared to conventional aircraft, however in this seat the window is very far forward. SeatGuru User on 2017/08/28 for Seat 14a Detailed review: Carl Labecki. Always I try to go for seat 18F. The aircraft's FAA Type Certificate designation is the CL-600-2C10. 2016/02/05 for Seat 25F The partition between Business and Economy class is adjusted according to demand. Good seat, very comfortable seat and good window on your side.
Design work on the CRJ700 by Bombardier started in 1995 and the programme was officially launched in January 1997. 2019/04/23 for Seat 5D There are limited services aboard this aircraft. the Economy pitch of 2015/09/14 for Seat 25F SeatGuru User on Service quick and flight attendance nice. My recommendation, try to avoid this aircraft, if possible. I was in this seat 2 times in the same week, and i have to say, for such a small aircraft there is a surprisingly large amount of room! 2019/07/29 for Seat 10d The CRJ700 features a new wing with leading edge slats and a stretched and slightly widened fuselage, with a lowered floor. Ife avaible with your phone using the wifi on board. Snack and meal service varies depending on the length of route. Flavius T on The outer armrest on the outer exit row seat is shortened to clear the way to the emergency exit door. Worst ever flying experience. The window on the right hand side is missing. Alessio M on I got 25F on a full plane. Onboard storage is limited and suitcases may need to be checked at the aircraft door to be picked-up upon arrival.
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