It is specialised in designing and building workboats, especially 'multi cats' and shoalbusters. Defence & Security. Below you can find the suitable DSC yards. Die Werft Damen wurde 1927 in Hardinxveld-Giessendam von Jan und Marius Damen gegründet. Required Fields At our Damen Shiprepair & Conversion (DSC) yards we bring together our rich history of naval shipbuilding, maintenance and repair.
With over 30 shipyards and related companies worldwide, Damen is involved in ship construction as well as maintenance and repair activities. Seitdem hat sich die Werft als größtes Schiffsbauunternehmen in den Niederlanden etabliert. In addition to building reliable vessels at an affordable price, Kommer Damen had a revolutionary idea: the standardisation and series production of workboats. ‘Holland’ and ‘Zeeland’ were transferred to the Defence Material Organisation. View more Defence & Security projects. Defence & Security We can provide a variety of services such as technical services, maintenance and repair works, but also more complex services, such as a total vessel refit (life-time extension) and conversions (new functionalities). Copyright Damen Shipyards Group © 2020 - KvK 23049923 Through Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding (DSNS), we have 140 years of newbuild naval experience. On March 10, 2012 the second of three frigates for the Royal Moroccan Navy was transferred to Rear Admiral Mohamed Laghmari, Commander in Chief of the Royal Moroccan Navy.The first vessel, ‘Oriku’, locally built in Albania out of a DTC (Damen Technical Cooperation) material package and under the local supervision of Damen staff.In December 2011 the Damen Stan Patrol 5009, ‘Guardião’, set sail on her own keel to the Cape Verde Islands.
The Enlarged Ship Concept and the Sea Axe are just some of the pioneering designs that we have developed.Damen’s standard designs offer numerous advantages:To reduce delivery times to a minimum, we build vessels for stock. * We are pleased to help you via our live chat when online. Damen has an established history in building Naval Ships. ... has taken delivery of four Interceptor 1102 vessels from Damen Shipyards Group. The Stan Lander can be fully customised to your requirements.The Damen Naval Support series offers cost effective, flexible and highly capable additions to any fleet.The Joint Support Ship is a robust multifunctional platform for maritime support, strategic sealift and sea-based missions.These cost-effective vessels can conduct a wide variety of hydrographic survey duties for military and commercial purposes.Many naval tasks are best achieved using flexible clustering by compact auxiliary vessels. The package includes all equipment for oil recovery operations as well as a complete dredging installation. Some of the group companies are: SIGMA vessels can accommodate specific customer platform and combat system requirements.With hulls based on the proven SIGMA series, these fast attack vessels share a common theme concerning systems layout and structural design.Combining the successes of the ENFORCER LPDs and the SIGMA Combatant Series, Damen has created a unique class: the CROSSOVER.The Holland Class Ocean Going Patrol Vessel is ideal for security operations such as shipping monitoring, boarding operations and patrol duties.Damen’s versatile range of Offshore Patrol Vessels is suitable for navies and coastguards in regions exhibiting a low level of threat.Stan Patrol craft are fully equipped for patrol duties in harbours, coastal waters and offshore. Tags: Angola, Damen Shipyards Cape Town, Damen Shipyards Galati, Defence&Security, Edition #1, FISV 6210, FRV 2808, West Africa High-tech heritage Markets 2410 Damen Shipyards Group has signed an agreement with Korean yard Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction (HHIC) to deliver a complete components package. View more Defence & Security projects. Description: “The National Air and Naval Service of Panama (Servicio Nacional Aeronaval - SENAN) has taken delivery of four Interceptor 1102 vessels from Damen Shipyards Group.Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding has handed over the first SIGMA 10514 Perusak Kawal Rudal (PKR) frigate to the Indonesian Ministry of Defence, on schedule and on budget. Customers can fine-tune their vessel with a large range of options to meet their specific requirements.An outstanding platform with excellent self-defence capability and powerful air defences. The Sea Axe hull gives these vessels unparalleled seakeeping behaviour.Damen RHIBs are ideal for high-speed military and emergency operations in all waters where speed and extreme manoeuvrability are crucial.Damen’s amphibious LPDs carry battalions of troops and their vehicles as well as acting as flight decks and helicopter hangars.The Damen Landing Ship range fulfils all the traditional mission requirements in addition to support and secondary mission tasks.Experience has shown that Damen Landing Craft are extremely adaptable. amazing offers delivered directly in your inbox. The Marine Region of the Hong Kong Police Force is having Stan 2600 patrol boats built by Damen. Defence & Security.
Required Fields Moreover, several of these shipyards specialise in the repair, reift and modernisation of naval vessels. amazing offers delivered directly in your inbox.
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