coronavirus frankreich news

    Coronavirus: Lufthansa agrees €9bn rescue deal with Germany Volkswagen loses landmark German 'dieselgate' case
    COVID-19 is a new strain of coronavirus that causes illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. Laut einem Bericht der "Welt" erklärt das Bundespräsidialamt den Fauxpas so: Der Bundespräsident achtet auch im Urlaub darauf, die Abstands- und Hygieneregeln einzuhalten - und an Orten, an denen das nicht immer möglich ist, trägt er eine Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung. Das Bundespräsidialamt reagiert auf Kritik an einem Foto, das am 22. Am Samstag, 1.August, und Samstag, 8.August, dürfen zwischen 0 und 24 Uhr auf allen französischen Straßen keine Busse mit Kindern und Jugendlichen unter 18 Jahren Departement überschreitend unterwegs sein. Coronavirus Update: Frankreich warnt von Anstieg von Infektion. And French daily national newspaper The 370 employees that work at the Fonderie de Bretagne, near Lorient in north-western France, are concerned that the carmaker intends to close the factory.
    President Emmanuel Macron's proposal includes €1bn to provide grants of up to €7,000 to encourage citizens to purchase electric vehicles.It also puts money toward investments to make France a centre for electric vehicle output.The plan comes as the industry braces for thousands of job cuts.In return for the relief, the two main French car producers Renault and PSA have promised to focus production in France. "We need a motivational goal - make France Europe's top producer of clean vehicles by bringing output to more than one million electric and hybrid cars per year over the next five years," President Macron told reporters at a press conference at the Valeo car factory in Etaples, northern France on Tuesday.He added that no car model currently produced in France should be manufactured in other countries.To help sell the 400,000 vehicles languishing in car dealerships due to the coronavirus lockdown measures, President Macron said the government would also give people upgrading to a less polluting car a €3,000 bonus, as part of a scheme open to 75% of French households. Hälfte des Corona-Jahres 2020"Soziale Nähe ist wichtiger als Business und Konsum"K-Kandidat? Juli im Südtirol-Urlaub von Frank-Walter Steinmeier entstanden ist - und in den sozialen Medien seit einigen Tagen die Runde macht. Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses. President Macron - in his new post-virus spend-and-invest mode - wants to act now not just to rescue the industry from the immediate crisis, but also to prepare it for a future that will be both electric and he hopes much less dependent on foreign and in particular Chinese suppliers. Like in other countries, France's car industry has ground to a halt - with an 80% fall in sales and a backlog of nearly half a million new vehicles waiting for owners. Not in two, five or 10 years - now," he stressed. The aim, Mr Macron said, is to have one million electric cars being made in France every year by 2025. There have been at least 191,200 confirmed cases of coronavirus in France, according to the French government. In Frankreich melden die Behörden 1392 neue Coronavirus-Fälle. Es zeigt den Bundespräsidenten an der Seite einiger Musikerinnen und des Landeshauptmanns Arno Kompatscher, ohne Abstand und ohne Mund-Nasen-Schutz.

    Donnerstag, 06. Das Fahrverbot, das auch für ausländische Busse gilt, wurde … As of Tuesday morning, 30,294 people had died. According to IHS Markit, France was Europe's top producer of electric and hybrid cars in 2019, with almost 240,000 vehicles, but Germany … ... Landesweit werden Grabstätten aufgrund der hohen Zahl von Covid-19-Infiezierten vorbereitet. Real-time Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases tracker and resources to keep you safe.

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    coronavirus frankreich news