Display congrats, drink specials, your DJ logo and whatever else you desire with a few clicks. So if you find a current lower price from an online retailer on an identical, in-stock product, tell us and we'll match it. The most versatile do-it-all DJ software available, DEX 3 enables you to intuitively mix music, music videos and host karaoke with precision. We hereby reserve the right to re-publish or post any and all feedback to our site, blog, forum, and product affiliated posting sites. DEX 3 RE also provides an option to mix the next song only.The application's audio library makes it possible for you to manage your song database, create a favorite list and explore your computer to add new songs. There was a problem with saving your item(s) for later. Focus on your clients and not your DJ software!DEX 3 RE has been designed so that it’s easier to navigate than other DJ software applications. PCDJ DEX 3 - Configuring Your DJ Controller's Audio Interface by PCDJ Headquarters. PCDJ Red Mobile 3.0 ( PCDJ RED-MOBILE-3 ) DEX 3 RE (Red Edition) for Windows or MAC is versatile DJ software designed for all types of DJs. DEX 3 RE utilizes a traditional 2-deck interface with a mixer and handy “DEX 3 RE includes an advanced media file browser for all your music and karaoke files. 60. You can save as many multi-layered custom overlays as you wish to cue up and display live.Adjust position, size and opacity of all elements to create the perfect visual presentation for your audience. Transport And DJ Mixer Controls DEX 3 makes it easy to mix everything.
60 $83.60 $ 83. So, when we receive a DEX 3 review by email or via our support ticketing system we love show it off. DEX 3 allows you to create mixes from your own music and music video library and/or iTunes using just a keyboard or mouse, or one of the Download DEX 3 today and cue up your imagination – DEX 3 is the total DJ mixing software solution. DEX 3 RE’s custom, industry-leading sound engine ensures your mixes pump out at the highest possible quality.Complete with features such as fully automated auto-mix, one-click beat sync, a mix-now button for quick cross-fade and play, all packaged in a modern, easy-to-use interface; you have the DJ software solution to take on any gig in any environment. When you press a button, twist a knob or scratch a platter on your DJ controller DEX 3 RE will react immediately, without latency.Watch and Learn: We’ve released a series of DEX 3 RE tutorial videos that cover the basics all the way up to more advanced DJ mixing software functionality. Manufacturers, Good news — You can still get free 2-day shipping, free pickup, & more.Oops—it’s past time for NextDay delivery by tomorrow.Oops! Now with DEX 3 includes an advanced media file browser for all your music, music videos and karaoke files. The program is a popular tool for djs, studios amd music mixers. Choose to BPM sync your samples to the master player for seamlessly drops.Capture your audio and video mixes with DEX 3 using the built-in recording features.Use the new overlay feature to show messages, images and videos (which loop automatically) on screen to your fans and clients.
The software includes a powerful library that allows you to Import, mix, and search all of your MP3, OGG, WMA, FLAC, WAV, MP3+G and unprotected iTunes files quickly and easily.
You can Electrode, Comp-867606262, DC-prod-az-westus-15, ENV-prod-a, PROF-PROD, VER-20.0.28, SHA-2ac4706ff105cdd14e67f119c4507301c62e4762, CID-9101fb2a-0af-173c1f9684b629, Generated: Thu, 06 Aug 2020 04:13:35 GMTPCDJ DEX 3 RE DJ SoftwarePCDJ DEX 3 RE DJ Software descriptionIf you would like to share feedback with us about pricing, delivery or other customer service issues, please contact Electrode, Comp-867606462, DC-prod-az-westus-14, ENV-prod-a, PROF-PROD, VER-20.0.28, SHA-2ac4706ff105cdd14e67f119c4507301c62e4762, CID-8d8ec7ab-175-173c1fd326deaf, Generated: Thu, 06 Aug 2020 04:17:43 GMT Electrode, Comp-c44ab9bc-14b8-40a0-9419-f8b33be5ed11, DC-wus-prod-a3, ENV-prod-a, PROF-PROD, VER-36.3.0, SHA-9f477c0ec7b1f2dc8cc43ff97f206258df452c32, CID-3ac5b927-007-173c200ad73dc1, Generated: Thu, 06 Aug 2020 04:21:31 GMTError: Please enter a valid ZIP code or city and stateThis button opens a dialog that displays additional images for this product with the option to zoom in or out. Sold & shipped by KPODJ Lighting & DJ Gear.
No problem, DEX 3 has you covered there, too. Create custom playlists or generate lists from directories on your hard drive. The For each singer you have DEX 3 will automatically create a singer/song history for them so you can easily search a singer and add them, and the song they want to sing, back to rotation.Use the “filler music player” to easily play regular music in between singers and sets. Whether you are a professional or an amateur DJs, you must be on the lookout for a specialized mixing application that is both easy to operate and feature-rich.
Qty: Free delivery. One of the applications you can take for a spin is DEX 3 RE. Regards.Remap your Xbox One controller's buttons to perform keyboard actions with this handy application that comes with a user-friendly interfaceSurf the Internet securely with the help of this straightforward web browser that boasts cloud computing technology for lightning-fast sessionsKaspersky has updated its consumer line of security products for PC with a host of new privacy protection features.Microsoft is expanding the calling capabilities in Teams with a new service and dedicated phone systems from its partners.Microsoft and Samsung have teamed up again to announce a new feature for the excellent Your Phone app in Windows 10.Messenger ups business offering with new Facebook chat plugin.Linux Kernel 5.8 is available to download now and includes the highest number of commits.Microsoft's new Advanced Communications plan allows users to host large-scale meetings and events in Teams.Windows Credential Manager offers a straightforward way to store your login data in Windows 10. One of the applications you can take for a spin is DEX 3 RE.The main purpose of DEX 3 RE is to avoid overcrowing the interface and keep options at hand. Mix with DEX 3 using just a keyboard or mouse, or use one of the 75+ supported DJ controllers for tactile hands-on control.
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