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    Otitis externa may be associated with eczema of the ear canal, and is more common in swimmers, humid environments, people with absence of ear wax or with narrow ear canals, hearing-aid users, and after mechanical trauma. 0000007721 00000 n Clin Dermatol 2003;21:116–121.Kashiwamura M. Chida E. Matsumura M. Nakamaru Y. Suda N. Terayama Y. Fukuda S. The efficacy of Burow's solution as an ear preparation for the treatment of chronic ear infections. 0000013798 00000 n External otitis is an acute infection of the ear canal skin typically caused by bacteria (Pseudomonas is most common). Otitis externa can be caused by bacteria, fungi or other germs.

    0000002011 00000 n Antibiotic ear drops should be dosed in a quantity that allows coating of most of the ear canal and used for no more than 4 to 7 days. Swimming; Hot, humid weather; Hearing aid use; A lot of ear wax Search for more papers by this author.

    [Clinical Trial. Some prescription drops also contain anti-inflammatory steroids, which help to resolve swelling and itching. Some contain antibiotics, either antibacterial or antifungal, and others are simply designed to mildly acidify the ear canal environment to discourage bacterial growth. 0000014317 00000 n Pseudomonas is the most common offending pathogen. Otitis externa is an infection of the external ear, a common condition that is mainly seen in primary care. 0000012636 00000 n

    0000011004 00000 n trailer << /Size 108 /Info 54 0 R /Root 57 0 R /Prev 966392 /ID[<21aa4dc48c97f7ab0bcc501ec6ffe209>

    The ear drops that your medical provider will prescribe will likely include antibiotics, steroids, or anti-inflammatory medication. Until it recovers fully, it may be more prone to repeat infection from further physical or chemical insult. Although there is evidence that steroids are effective at reducing the length of treatment time required, fungal otitis externa (also called otomycosis) may be caused or aggravated by overly prolonged use of steroid-containing drops.
    What causes otitis externa?

    0000016231 00000 n It is more common in younger ages and females, with a prevalence of around 1% . Otitis externa may be acute (lasting less than six weeks) or chronic (lasting more than three months).Otitis externa affects 1–3% of people a year; more than 95% of cases are acute.Because the symptoms of external otitis lead many people to attempt to clean out the ear canal (or scratch it) with slim implements, self-cleaning attempts generally lead to additional traumas of the injured skin, so rapid worsening of the condition often occurs. 0000005286 00000 n Otitis externa is most commonly caused by bacteria. 0000036199 00000 n

    Effective solutions for the ear canal include acidifying and drying agents, used either singly or in combination.Ear drops are the mainstays of treatment for external otitis. Another causative factor for acute infection is prolonged water exposure in the forms of swimming or exposure to extreme humidity, which can compromise the protective barrier function of the canal skin, allowing bacteria to flourish, hence the name "swimmer's ear". Otitis externa is defined as: Acute if it has lasted for 3 weeks or less. Acute cases are typically due to bacterial infection, and chronic cases are often due to …

    The incidence tends to be higher in hot and humid climates, and towards the end of summer. Removal of the wick does not require a health professional. 0000003873 00000 n

    It is imperative that visualization of an intact Otitis externa responds well to treatment, but complications may occur if it is not treated.
    0000017025 00000 n Inflammation of the ear canal skin typically begins with a physical insult, most often from injury caused by attempts at self-cleaning or scratching with cotton swabs, pen caps, fingernails, hair pins, keys, or other small implements. 0000024888 00000 n It can also be caused by damage to the skin lining your outer ear canal. 0000015195 00000 n

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