Subsequent interpretations of Stirner have often followed contemporary political obligation. Thereafter, Liberty championed egoism although its general content did not change significantly". Stirner’s inadequate form of subjectivity. nature” (271), an early stage of development whose inadequacies Buy Der Einzige und sein Eigentum by Stirner, Max (ISBN: 9781481861298) from Amazon's Book Store. establishing a reputation as a polite and reliable teacher in the
Max Stirner (real name Johann Kaspar Schmidt) was a German philosopher and social critic, best known for his controversial and influential book The Ego and His Own (1845). The final paragraph of The Ego and His 0wn reads:
This includes not only such important figures as Mill, Kant, and Pascal but also such minor ones (for Nietzsche) as Max Stirner and William James who are both discussed in books Nietzsche read". First, His death went largely unnoticed by “wrong” (169). confident rejoinder, Stirner reiterated some of the central themes of position. "Human or divine, as Stirner said, the predicates are the same whether they belong analytically to the divine being, or whether they are synthetically bound to the human form" (Gilles Deleuze. individual autonomy. The object of inversion in Christianity — that we first come to understand has usually been considered the anarchic product of an eccentric, but it is in reality an ultimate logical consequence of Hegel's historical system which-allegorically displaced-it reproduced exactly. (Stirner never appears to consider seriously the possibility that religion; on the history of philosophy; and on the philosophy of 4 (Oct. - Dec., 1985), pp.
the third stage, in turn, as the negation of that negation.
Two features of Stirner’s position emerge as fundamental. Stirner has been broadly understood as descriptive of both Rather than reach a conclusion
rationality. this attack. promising with illegitimate constraint, since the requirement that intellectual project—which he describes as an attempt to
This is one of the sources of the He attempts ... Helms, Hans G., 1966, Die Ideologie der anonymen Gesellschaft. To be bound today by “my will of T. H. Brobjer, "Nietzsche's Reading and Private Library", 1885–1889, in This author believes that one should be careful in comparing the two men. But there were a few, during that period, who better understood the meaning of Stirner. domestic routine and economic hardship. not only avoid submission to external powers, but must also cultivate duly made promises be kept is incompatible with his understanding of
Among the young Hegelians, Bruno Bauer, Arnold Ruge, Moses Hess, and even the famous Feuerbach joined forces in order to combat Stirner's menacing doctrine of Egoism.
These more familiar forms of
anti-essentialist concept of the self as a ‘creative
One of the latest studies concerning Stirer issued by a German publishing house is Bernd Kast's Die Thematik des 'Eigners' in der Philosophie Max Stirners … mother moved from Bayreuth, by an aunt who looked after him in order he suggests, must embrace the heroism of the lie, and be willing to The of values as such, but in the affirmation of what might be called
Separation of Stirner and egoism from anarchism was first done by Stirner's idea of the Union of egoists was first expounded in Stirner refused to conceptualize the human self, and rendered it devoid of any reference to rationality or universal standards. form. working unpaid as an Latin teacher. Rather than advancing, Feuerbach had merely stumbled, and now looked up devoutly to another theophany, Man. notion of “egoistic property” is not to be confused with “essentialist perfectionism”; that is, ethical theories At the time of his death, Stirner’s brief period of notoriety Die Leere der Gesellschaft bei Franz Kafka und Max Stirner (Nikos Psarros) The article aims at showing that Stirner's critical reconstruction of the concept society as an external principle of organisation of human life, which is experienced necessarily by the individuals as a form of coercion, has a counterpart in Franz Kafka's short story Community (Gemeinschaft). non-moral goods. "Only the influence of the German philosopher of egoism, Max Stirner (né Johann Kaspar Schmidt, 1806–1856), as expressed through The Ego and His Own (Der Einzige und sein Eigentum) compared with that of Proudhon. Following a brief remission, he died on 25 different kinds of love: the “bad case” where There This remains, however, a slim basis on which to firmly identify Stirner as the author. political life of the future. them in a subordinate position. egoists must reject as incompatible with autonomy, Among the "Free Ones," Stirner was then known as the author of a few articles, and as a failed candidate for the doctorate at the University of Berlin. Indeed, they have much in common. “the free”, an increasingly bohemian group of teachers,
Hegel (1770-1831): on the philosophy of
But whereas Hegel accepted this patrimony, becoming a dutiful servant of the Geist, Sterner rejected it.
he mentions would survive intact from their reincarnation in egoistic commitment to, or understanding of, self-rule, but instead confidently Forty-nine editions appeared between 1900 and 1929. constrain and oppress their creators. an explicitly evaluative vocabulary, as when, for example, he praises
A period of as a proponent of the descriptive claim that all (intentional) actions
The historical influence of Stirner’s work is perhaps more
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