The painting is in oils on canvas, and measures 175 x 189.5 cm. op. Perseus is also said to be an ancestor of Hercules and the Asian race of the Persians. A furious Poseidon unleashed the sea monster Cetus to frequently ravage the coast and devastate the land of Ethiopia in order to avenge the insult to his wards, the Nereids. Androméda, although doomed to die, was saved by Perseus, freed, and long lived happily ever after with him. The helmeted and sandal-footed Perseus is flying to rescue her, swinging his sword at the monster! In Greek mythology, Perseus (/ ˈ p ɜːr s i ə s,-sj uː s /; Greek: Περσεύς) is the legendary founder of Mycenae and of the Perseid dynasty.He was, alongside Cadmus and Bellerophon, the greatest Greek hero and slayer of monsters before the days of Heracles. In contrast to the basis of a classical tale, Leighton used a Gothic style for the artwork. Polydectes was sure that Perseus would not survive this dangerous task.What Polydectes had not known was that Perseus was beloved by the gods. Duration: 18 min. Palazzo Vecchio (Palazzo della Signoria), Florence, Italy The old prophecy had come true, no matter how Acrisius tried to avoid it.After the death of Acrisius, the Kingdom of Argos naturally passed on to Perseus, who thought himself unworthy of it, since he had caused his grandfather's death, even by accident. To help him, god Hermes gave him a curved sword and a pair of winged sandals (other versions of the myth say that Hermes did not give Perseus a pair of winged sandals but a white winged horse) while Athena gave him a mirror of polished bronze and a cap from Hades that could make invisible anyone who would wear it. In Ovid Andromeda's parents are nearby; here they are probably on the shore opposite, by a city. 78: Perseus & Androméda - A Symphonic Poem on Fate (2019) For orchestra. Add to collection. Do you like He beheaded the Gorgon Medusa for Polydectes and saved Andromeda from the sea monster Cetus.He was the son of Zeus and … The story of Perseus and Andromeda derives from Greek mythology and contains very deep wisdom on the interactions of male and female energy. King Cepheus is like, "Sure, go for it." The painting is also remarkable for the captivating "scenic virtuality" of the episode narrated: the source is the myth of Perseus and Andromeda told by Latin poet Ovid, a master of style for every writer, playwright or artist of the Italian and European Renaissance. Perseus and Andromeda is an oil painting by Lord Frederic Leighton. Perseus continued his journey home and, as he passed the kingdom of Ethiopia, he came upon the beautiful and helpless maiden Andromeda, chained to the rocks waiting to be devoured by a sea monster.The beautiful Andromeda was the daughter of the Ethiopian king Cepheus and queen Cassiopeia. So he decided to set up a plan to get rid of this annoying youth.He challenged Perseus to dare a difficult task, to kill the fearsome Gorgon Medusa and bring back her head. Completed in 1891, the year it was displayed at the Royal Academy of Arts, it depicts the Greek mythological story of Andromeda. It was painted in 1554–1556 as part of a series of mythological paintings called "poesie" ("poetry") intended for King Philip II of Spain.
It was probably one already described as "damaged" in 1605, and has suffered subsequent damages, as well as apparently being cut down along all the sides. With these divine aids, Perseus started his long journey to the cave of Medousa, somewhere in Africa.He indeed found lying in her deep cave. Tags: Perseus immediately fell in love with the lovely maiden and promptly killed Cetus the beast, who had been licking his lips at the prospect of having a delicious meal.Perseus took Andromeda to her father Cepheus and asked for her hand in marriage. He also gave his great trophy, the head of Medousa, to goddess Athena.The whole family finally decided to leave Seriphos and return to Argos, keeping it a secret from King Acrisius. The paintings took subjects from the Roman poet Ovid's Metamorphoses, in this case Book IV, lines 663–752, and all featured female nudes. In their confrontation, Perseus used Medousa's head to turn the Titan into stone. But look! The helmeted and sandal-footed Perseus is flying to rescue her, swinging his sword at the monster!Picture by Paul Veronese, about whom Joshua Reynolds said, “Tintoret, Paul Veronese, and others of the Venetian schools, seem to have painted with no other purpose than to be admired for their skill and expertness in the mechanism of painting, and to make a parade of that art which, as I before observed, the higher style requires its followers to conceal.” [Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free stock image for all purposes usage credit requested001-frontispiece-Perseus-and-Andromeda-q75-307x500.jpg Find more prominent pieces of mythological painting at – best visual art database.
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