Berlin ‑ London

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    I lived in London for about 7 years and I can count my London friends on two hands (the rest are expats like me).People in Berlin always praise the city's transport system. This may come as a surprise to anyone who’s ever heard the word ‘Oktoberfest’, but our German respondents were less likely to drink at all than people in London: only 77% said they drink alcohol, compared to 93% of Londoners, and a lower percentage of people admitted they couldn’t get through the day without a stiffener. 86. points. While 75% say they’re proud to be live in their city, that’s less than the 92% of proud Londoners.Still, people here appreciate their city’s creativity, resilience, solidarity and abundant green spaces. 100. points. When we asked whether Berlin was affordable, 29% of locals agreed, compared to just 2% in London. Berliners are less likely than Londoners to have felt happy in the last 24 hours – but they’re also less likely to have felt stressed, lonely, overwhelmed, depressed, anxious or sleep-deprived! 87.95$ vs 166.41$ 29.32% lower population density Love the mag? We already have this email. Interested in writing for Spotahome? International travel to United Kingdom from Germany is: Fully open. We're looking for bloggers who can write about living as a local in one of our cities using list type articles or even making videos.

    Official Website of Berlin: Information about the Administration, Events, Culture, Tourism, Hotels and Hotel Booking, Entertainment, Tickets, Public Transport, Political System, Local Authorities and Business in Berlin. You can travel easily with the fast bus from Berlin to London and save yourself the stress of arriving by car or train.In London you can use other buses or explore the city on foot. And after Britain leaves the EU, Berlin is likely to overtake London as the "Londoners, at first, are very introvert.

    By , hipsters and history at every turn: Berlin certainly has a seductive reputation. Demographics Quality of living Environment Leisure Transportation General info. Déjà vu! Find your coach ticket to Berlin from £3.49 Free Wi-Fi & plug outlets on board Travel to Berlin from 418 cities If you are experiencing difficulties while accessing this website, please give us a call at +44(0)1491502156 or refer to the FlixBus Google Assistant App . If you are in London, the most convenient time to accommodate all parties is between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm for a conference call or meeting. More Coach and bus from Berlin to London. Well, what I can surely say is that I have a super-fresh perspective on both capitals ?So, after so much consideration, here is what I think (scroll down to the bottom if you have no time or can't resist to find out who’s Since I got back from my two-year trip around the world, I've constantly been Another great think I've discovered in Berlin is that There is no doubt that London is one of the best cities in the world for business. Except if it's friday night when you might even get an unexpectd kiss by a drunk dude. Perhaps surprisingly for a city with such a divided and difficult past, Berliners are more backward-looking: fewer people think their city has changed for the better, more say the best thing about the place is its proud history, and – given access to a time machine – they’re more likely to elect to travel to the city’s past rather than the future.On the other hand, locals don’t tend to agree that Berlin is great because it feels exciting, because it’s diverse, or because there’s always something new to discover.

    It is also much more affordable than the Both cities feature a huge number of green space and outdoor activities.This is a tough one. (Perhaps they’re just jaded?

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    But, once you get the Brits, they softned and they actually are quite funny and nice - deep down.

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    Berlin ‑ London