The central planning here — and as this excellent New York Post article Now it's the Swedes who are voting with their feet. There was no European solution. "Turns out that wasn't such a bright idea, given that Swedish cities such as Malmö have turned into Muslim-dominant no-go hellholes, which Swedes now find unlivable. Mit deiner Spende sicherst du unsere UnabhängigkeitDiese Website benutzt Cookies. "Turns out that wasn't such a bright idea, given that Swedish cities such as Malmö have turned into Muslim-dominant no-go hellholes, which Swedes now find unlivable. Schweden plant Massenausweisung von Migranten - Malmö - Flüchtling vergewaltigt Sozialarbeiterin "About 13 percent of the population in Sweden experience problems in their own residential areas with crime, violence or vandalism. Those who do not have the same opportunities [to move] remain where they are. It all boils down to migrants placing about as much value on the country they are admitted to as the price they actually paid for it.
In Schweden ist es Ende September zu einem unfassbar brutalen Verbrechengekommen. Sweden has drawn praise for opening its doors to thousands of fleeing Middle Eastern and African refugees and migrants, in numbers When it comes to refugees, [U.N. Secretary-General Antonio] Guterres praised Sweden for being "absolutely exemplary" and said Europe had failed to provide support by taking coordinated action to ensure equal distribution in the area. When you make an online application, you will be given clear instructions on how to fill in the application form, and what you need to enclose, which means you are more likely to receive a decision all the sooner. Countries that fought to keep high numbers of unvetted, unassimilated, and hostile migrants from their shores drew a lot of opprobrium, but at least they aren't seeing this kind of flight. 11:51. Certain occupations are subject to special rules. Mit deiner Spende sicherst du unsere Unabhängigkeit. Sweden has drawn praise for opening its doors to thousands of fleeing Middle Eastern and African refugees and migrants, in numbers comparable only to … By comparison, the other Nordic countries were placed among the countries with the lowest percentage of the population who experience such problems...." — Statistics Sweden, April 25, 2019.Swedes are on the move. Migrants, Minorities and Employment Œ Sweden 6 1. But Sweden also wanted to virtue-signal to other countries as it opened its gates to all comers and drew all that U.N. praise.What this report signals is that Sweden ended up exchanging its well educated, law-abiding, and high-social-capital population for an unemployable, uneducated, lawless, and low-social-capital one.
According to Take the small, picturesque town of Filipstad (population 10,000), for example. Wer es wagt, den offiziellen Regierungskurs in Sachen Corona zu kritisieren, wird als “Covidiot”, “Rechtsextremer” oder “Verschwörungsideologe” beschimpft, Proteste werden kleingeredet.Die EU unterzeichnete schon Mitte Juni einen Vertrag mit Astra Zeneca und Oxford University, der allen Mitgliedern der EU den Zugang zu 400 Mio. Warum Schweden sein Problem nicht löst - Duration: 11:51.
There was no European solution. It is one of the highest proportions in Europe." The issue has recently gained the attention of the Swedish mainstream media.They're calling it a "population exchange," which isn't exactly a gain. The migrants freely admitted to Sweden have placed about as much value on that entry as the price they paid for it, which is nothing. Schweden plant Massenausweisung von Migranten - Duration: 0:58. euronews (deutsch) 197,041 views. By comparison, the other Nordic countries were placed among the countries with the lowest percentage of the population who experience such problems...." — Statistics Sweden, April 25, 2019.Swedes are on the move.
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