Hôtel royal de la monnaie (Real Casa de la Moneda), Madrid, Espagne (1591-présent) Royal Mint, Londres, Royaume-Uni : Casa de Moneda de Chile, Santiago, Chili (1743-présent) Commentaires. Amounts shown in italicized text are for items listed in currency other than Canadian dollars and are approximate conversions to Canadian dollars based upon Bloomberg's conversion rates. Armoiries; Gestion de ma collection. Comme certains utilisateurs possèdent plusieurs années, le total peut être supérieur à 100%. › 25 pesetas Canaries Retour en haut En savoir plus – Équipe – Conditions d'utilisation – Versions – API – FAQ – Contact 2007-2020 Facebook Twitter Twitter See each listing for international shipping options and costs.Save 25 ptas 1975 to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed.Customs services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking providedCustoms services and international tracking provided
Des membres du site désirent l'échanger : C $1.95; or Best Offer +C $1.95 shipping; 1975 SPANISH 25 PTAS – AUNC/UNC. Log In Sign Up + × Add new coin. Un indice proche de 100 indique que la pièce ou le billet est rare parmi les membres de Numista, tandis qu'un indice proche de 0 indique que la pièce ou le billet est plutôt courant. Numista is an online participative catalogue of world coins, which enable you to manage your own collection and swap with numismatists from all over the world.
1975 SPAIN 25 PESETAS PTAS 77 IN STAR NICE WORLD COIN. California 1850- 2005 John Muir Yosemite Valley double die line under the Chin downward and eyebrow - Duration: 6:11. Les valeurs dans le tableau ci-dessus sont exprimées en This Was The 1st ear That This Type Was Ever Minted. Numismatic specification data and valuation estimates provided by Active Interest Media’s Number of bids and bid amounts may be slightly out of date.
Forgot your password? Stella Ohenhen Recommended for you Ateliers monétaires . Juan Carlos Ier (1975-2014) Type: Pièce circulante commémorative: Date: 1994 : Valeur: 25 pesetas (25 ESP) Devise: Peseta (1868-2001) Composition: Bronze-aluminium (Cu884 Ni50 Al50 Fe10 Mn6) Poids: 4,2 g: Diamètre: 19,5 mm: Epaisseur: 1,6 mm: Forme: Ronde avec un …
Spain - Coin catalog. Inscription : REPUBLICA SAHARAUI DEMOCRATICA 25 PESETAS . 1907 Mini St Gaudens Gold Coin 12 Gram Free Shipping 10mm . Tranche. La moneda 25 pesetas (Juan Carlos I) del 1975 pertenece al catálogo de monedas de España. The World Coin Price Guide was independently compiled by Krause Publications’ NumisMaster.
For example, varieties listed in the World Coin Price Guide may not necessarily be recognized by NGC. (25 EHP) Devise: Peseta (1975-présent) Composition: Cuivre: Poids: 9,6 g: Diamètre: 28,2 mm: Epaisseur: 2 mm: Forme: Ronde: Orientation: Frappe médaille ↑↑ Avers. Des membres du site désirent l'échanger : Numista utilise des cookies pour vous assurer la meilleure expérience sur notre site. Log In | Sign Up × Log In. En la siguiente ficha encontrarás las principales características numismáticas de esta moneda: ceca, año de acuñación, diámetro, tirada, peso, material de fabricación y tipo de canto. Revers.
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