Read the instruction guide to get all the details to apply on paper. Apply on paper. Read the instruction guide to get all the details to apply on paper.Once you have read the guide, you can prepare your application package. If you meet the criteria for the travel exemptions, and you want to apply to come to Canada, there are changes to the application process. I need to add multiple files to my online application, but there is only one field to upload documents. When we finish reviewing your application, we let you know if youâre approved to come to Canada. You must select the country/territory from which you will be applying to get your local visa office instructions.You canât fill out and save the application form using your Internet browser. In most cases, you now need to give your fingerprints and photo (biometrics) after you apply.We refer to your fingerprints and photo as biometrics. Apply to travel, study, work or immigrate to Canada, apply for citizenship, a permanent resident card or refugee protection, check the status of your application or find a form. You must select the country/territory from which you will be applying to get your local visa office instructions. After we get your biometrics, we start processing your application. What can I apply for online? We collect biometrics for most applications. Apply on paper. Find out what happens from when you submit your application to when you get to Canada and where biometrics fits in the process.If you want to visit, study or work in Canada, make sure youâre eligible to apply. What can I do? Applying online — general. Instruction Guide [IMM 5256] Once you have read the guide, you can prepare your application package. You must: Some people are not admissible to Canada, which means they are not allowed to enter the country. See If we need more information from you, weâll contact you. If you donât have them, you may not be able to board your flight to Canada.When you arrive, we check your identity to make sure that you are the same person who was approved to travel to Canada. To use the form, you need to: You can be inadmissible for several reasons, including being involved in:You can also be inadmissible for security, health or financial reasons.Entry requirements may have changed since your last visit to Canada. You might be able to get your study permit faster by applying online through the Read the instruction guide to get all the details to apply on paper.Once you have read the guide, you can prepare your application package.
Apply online for a study permit. If you are outside Canada without a valid PR card, you must apply for a If you no longer want to be a PR, or if you know you do not meet the requirements to keep your PR status, you can You canât fill out and save the application form using your Internet browser. What are the differences between applying online and on paper?
If you came by air, youâll have to take a return flight to where you came from.You must meet some basic requirements to enter Canada. Make sure you travel with the documents we gave you.
Instruction Guide [IMM 5269] Once you have read the guide, you can prepare your application package. Read the instruction guide to get all the details to apply on paper. You can travel to Canada only if you are exempt from the travel restrictions and are coming for an essential purpose. Apply online for a visa. If you are, we issue your documents.If your application is refused, we send you a letter that tells you why. This includes travel documents like a visitor visa, study or work permits or an eTA (electronically linked to your passport).Airline staff and border service officers at ports of entry will ask to see your travel documents. You must select the country/territory from which you will be applying to get your local visa office instructions. We may use your biometrics to do this.If we canât verify your identity, you may be detained by a border services officer. To use the form, you need to: At this time, if you’re applying for a visitor visa, study permit or work permit, Due to service disruptions related to COVID-19, we are Do you live in China, India, Morocco, Pakistan, the Philippines, Senegal or Vietnam? If you meet the criteria for the travel exemptions, and you want to apply to come to Canada, there are changes to the application process.
These officers help protect the health and safety of Canadians.If the officer determines that youâre not admissible to Canada, you wonât be allowed to enter Canada. If the site closest to you is closed, we’ll extend your deadline to give your biometrics. How long can a client stay in Canada with their eTA? Get the forms you need to apply to come to Canada, to apply for Canadian citizenship or to get a permanent resident card Check application processing times How long it takes to process applications by type, country and how you applied (paper or online) Use our application guides to help fill out your application properly, then submit your application.If youâre between 14 and 79 years old, you probably need to give your fingerprints and photo (biometrics).You only need to give your biometrics Some biometrics collection sites are closed. How COVID-19 is affecting applications to visit, work or study in Canada. You must select the country/territory from which you will be applying to get your local visa office instructions.We do not issue temporary resident visas (TRV) to permanent residents (PR). Learn more.
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