world of warships twitch container

    All trademarks and trademark rights pertaining to warships and aircraft are proprietary to the respective rights holders. Contents. Just got 3 Containers also? 1 Share this post. Click the Collect Container button, then select the desired option. Other Content. Share this post. Question. [INTEL]

    the wows webpage had a link for a mission to get some collection containers and Nelson as the mission's final reward.Linking just Twitch and WG account isn’t enough. Link your account if you haven't, and watch World of Warships streams so you'll have a chance at free containers like this! Got the same - credits and different modules flags than in the picture but same thing. share.

    You need to link your Amazon account with WG as well.I don’t now how but you don’t get them instantly, I guess there is a hidden quest or something like that because I couldn’t manage to find the twitch loot quests anywhere. Link your account if you haven't, and watch World of Warships streams so you'll have a chance at free containers like this!
    Collected (or pre-typed) containers can be opened at any time: On the Containers screen click the Open Container button.
    Ahoi, Kapitäne!Die nächsten zwei Monate steht das Twitch Prime-Loot im Zeichen von World of Warships! Dezember 2018 gilt: Jedes Mal, wenn du World-of-Warships-Streams auf anschaust, hast du die Chance, eine besondere Belohnung zu erhalten – einen brandneuen Container „Twitch“. share.

    Link your account if you haven't, and watch World of Warships streams so you'll have a chance at free containers like this! Starting from December 7, 2018, every time you watch World of Warships streams on, you get the chance to earn a special reward: a brand new Twitch container. I have an account linked to WoW but otherwise I don't know why I received it.

    Je länger und öfter du schaust, desto mehr Container kannst du verdienen!

    Twitch Container Sign in to follow this . The longer and the more often you watch, the more containers you can earn! I have an account linked to WoW but otherwise I don't know why I received it. Hi, I need help with this, I just downloaded the game becauseI love azur lane, I unlocked the missions, I clamied rhe twitch reward, but the missions are not working properly, I can't get progress in them, I played a lot of battles and the mission exp is not going up, anyone who can help? Got the same - credits and different modules flags than in the picture but same thing. ... we are doing some testing with the Twitch Drop system. When I mouse over "Containers" it says I have a container but when I go to the container screen I have no containers.It gives you a mission to get the container. Link to post Link to post Share on other sites. What have we done to deserve this, Wargaming?Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Link to post Share on other sites . Seems they changed something. I am a bit suspicious too, since I got my first Twitch SC today as well.

    Was there a mission I didn't notice? You need to play a total of 5 battles to post in this section. so after a few games that would probably have been enough.I claimed it, and it arrived with some delay. World of Wargaming News

    As mentioned in the link above, we are doing some testing with the Twitch Drop system. Characteristics of all models are realistically reproduced on the basis of technical elements of warships and aircraft from the first half of the 20th century. It's an easy mission, not the container itself straight away.i still cannot claim the twitch prime loot, i have already linked everything on WG and haven't got any mission idkDoes anyone know if you can still redeem it because i redeemed it yesterday and still haven’t received the mission for the containerA game about huge boats. save hide report. [INTEL]

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    world of warships twitch container