fielding 100 minesweepers does not equal the strategic and tactical value of fielding 10 aircraft carriers).Possession of over 7000 nuclear weapons, 13000 weaponized aircraft and spending of over $600 billion a year on defense makes the US the most powerful military in the world.Russia comes in second mostly because they possess the most number of tanks as well as nuclear warheads in the world.15,000 tanks and 8,500 nuclear weapons to be specific.The Chinese economy is second only to the United States, and their military capabilities are growing at a shocking speed.In terms of raw manpower, it’s the largest military in the world.It also has the second-largest tank fleet behind Russia and the second-largest submarine fleet behind the US.India has successfully emerged as a major military power in the last two decades and has recently overtaken China as the fastest-growing major economy in the world.While their equipment has lagged behind in the past, India now has access to nearly the entire universe of military technology.Russia, Europe, and the United States all sell their military hardware to India.The French have always been told by the British that they are weak but the reality is the modern French military is larger and more capable than Britain.In addition to being highly trained, the French have power projection capabilities second only to the United States thanks to multiple bases around the globe.The British military remains one of the most well funded and well-trained forces in the world.Their manpower might be comparatively low, but the quality is high with very good equipment at their disposal.Italian forces have gotten much better in the last few decades thanks to interventions in foreign lands (Somalia, Yugoslavia) which gave Italy real combat experience.Their military placed highly on the report due to the country’s possession of two active aircraft carriers.These carriers, in addition to the country’s relatively large submarine and attack helicopter fleets, drastically boosted Italy’s ranking.Germany is one of the strongest economic forces in the world but the army’s condition seems to have deteriorated in the past few years.Germany does not have an aircraft carrier and has relatively few submarines which lowered its ranking.Even though Japan has officially renounced its right to declare war, it maintains a modern military that is extremely well equipped.Japan could be a top-four military power if its constitution would allow them to also be an offensive force, not only defensive.Turkey’s military is mighty in numbers – more than France and the UK combined – but their equipment and training are not as top-notch, but respectable and fully compatible with NATO.In addition, the country can lay claim to an impressively large tank fleet as well as numerous aircraft and attack helicopters.
The country has long been the most powerful nation in the world. The results incorporate values related to manpower, equipment, natural resources, finances, and geography represented by 50+ individual …
The ranking is based on data collected from the Global Firepower Index (GFI) and Credit Suisse.
Germany has become a leader in European politics while also commanding its strongest economy. Fixed-wing and rotary-wing (helicopters) aircraft types are factored in from all branches of service (Air Force, Army Aviation, Navy, Marine). An annual ranking that assesses nations’ armed forces has revealed the most powerful militaries in the world.The ranking is based on data collected from the Global Firepower Index (GFI) and Credit Suisse.Both studies focused on the number of available manpower, active aircraft carriers, naval power, land systems, resources, logistics, finances, and geography covered.Analysts also focused on weapon diversity (i.e. Each country is evaluated on a multitude of factors related to a prolonged offensive or defensive military campaign. Global Firepower tracks total air service strength for each national power taken into consideration for the annual GFP ranking. Since 2006 GlobalFirepower (GFP) has provided a unique analytical display of data concerning 138 modern military powers. These aircraft are specifically designed to attack ground targets by way of broader support for various air-to-ground munitions (for this reason the list excludes multi-role platforms). Listed below is the current military capabilities and available firepower for the nation of Germany.Power Index rating: 0.2461Defense budget: $45.2 billionTotal population: 80,594,017Total military personnel: 208,641Active Military Personnel: 180,000Total aircraft strength: 714… There are currently 138 countries considered for the Global Firepower (GFP) annual defense review (which currently covers the year 2020). About: is an annually-updated, statistics-based website tracking defense-related information of 138 nations and exists as a wholly-independent resource.
The GFP ranking is based on each nation's potentialwar-making capability across land, sea, and air fought by conventional means. The published content of the pages contained herein is unique to this website (unless where indicated) and not for reuse in any form. The Global Firepower ranking tracks aircraft elements dedicated to ground strike sorties as an offshoot of the Fighter/Interceptor Aircraftlisting.
An annual ranking that assesses nations’ armed forces has revealed the most powerful militaries in the world. Since 2006 GlobalFirepower (GFP) has provided a unique analytical display of data concerning The logo is a trademark of this website and is protected by all applicable domestic and international intellectual property laws.
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