We’ve got the answers right here.NICKMERCS’ Grau loadout is one of the most used in the entire game. Warzone But he did recently put out a video using a godly Kar98k sniper class and it is definitely a great build for all you headshot-seekers out there.
However, it’s likely you’ll want to run it as an Overkill class with a mid to close range weapon like an MP5 as a secondary.
Best Sniper Loadouts in Call of Duty: Warzone - AX-50. You’ve come to the right place. MeinMMO stellt euch für jedes der beliebten Scharfschützengewehre das beste Loadout vor. A prime example is the Bruen Mk9, an LMG that was barely touched by Warzone players until NICKMERCS built a ridiculously strong loadout class around it. Our Warzone loadout guide features top-tier loadout choices for 11 of the most popular weapons in Modern Warfare’s Battle Royale, from the Grau and M13 to the ever-popular HDR – and even one or two surprise weapons you might never have expected to be top-tier. For more gaming news, updates, and articles, check out our website at Copyright © 2020 Gurugamer.com - All rights reserved. The Grau itself is a popular weapon choice, but this particular setup really hits hard. Here’s how NICKMERCS sets up his famous Bruen:These attachments see the Bruen’s accuracy, range, and control stats jump considerably, while only taking a small hit to its mobility.
What would Modern Warfare be without you. That delicious Monolithic Suppressor also makes you invisible on the mini map when you’re slaying.For his latest Bruen class, NICKMERCS opts for the The Glitch blueprint variant.He’s paired his mighty Bruen with a number of other weapons in his classes before, such as the FAL or with a more close-quarters weapon like an MP5.This usually means Overkill will be on, and he’ll usually use Double Time and Amped to make up for the slower movement speed you get when using an LMG.A Heartbeat Sensor and a C4 are the tactical and lethal equipment of choice.The FAL has recently emerged as a popular weapon in Warzone due to its effectiveness at both long and close range.
This build packs all the ammo capacity you expect from an LMG, but is far superior than others in its class for reload and movement speeds.
Here are the five attachments he has for his MP5:This MP5 setup is all about dealing as much damage at close range as possible and making sure you hit every shot while doing so. Heartbeat Sensor and C4 for the equipment? What remains just as deadly is the sniper rifle and in this guide, we tell you which is the best loadout for snipers in Warzone. It’s a fast-shooting close quarters weapon that is almost as accurate at the hip as it is when looking down the sights! This means Double Time and Amped will usually be the go to perks to help with Bruen movement.And if you’ve been intently following this guide, then you know what comes next. Those 50 Round Mags give you enough ammo to wipe out multiple players without having to reload and the Monolithic Suppressor means you won’t be appearing on the mini map while doing it. NICKMERCS’ FAL loadout maximises its power and quick fire-rate for a semi-auto rifle. Audio-Technica USB Mic - so your fans can hear you loud and clear Get involved in the conversation by heading over to our Network N earns commission from qualifying purchases via Amazon Associates and other programs.
E.O.D and Amped make up his other two perks on both.He takes a C4 and a Heartbeat Sensor for his equipment.NICKMERCS’ most recent MP5 class absolutely shreds. Alongside the Overkill perk, he runs E.O.D and Amped.For his equipment, he takes a C4 and a Heartbeat Sensor.NICKMERCS’ Bruen loadout class is so iconic that it has seen the LMG become one of Warzone’s most used weapons. Unlike the Dragunov, the AX-50 is a slow-firing sniper rifle capable of completely killing a target in two well-placed shots. Looking to create a new Warzone loadout for your favourite gun? This build is also steady as a rock when it comes to recoil.NICKMERCS usually runs his Grau alongside an AX-50 sniper (specs for which are further down this guide) in an Overkill loadout class.
This sniper rifle has been sending players to Gulag since day one.
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