A Hydra multi-sonar suite from General Dynamics Canada integrates data from the towed-array, variable-depth, and hull-mounted sonars, and data from the ROVs.An Underwater Environmental Monitoring system supports the Hydra in mission planning. The concept today is action before - or even without - being detected.The Visby class corvette is the first vessel in the world to have fully developed stealth technology, combined with high operational versatility. VISBY – Metal plus garden shed. It offers a rooftop terrace and rooms with flat-screen TVs and free WiFi. Once the TAS detects a submarine, VDS fixes its position and aims selected weapons at it. Beiträge: 99 Themen: 9 Registriert seit: Nov 2006 #2.
Saab serves the global market of governments, authorities and corporations with products, services and solutions ranging from military defence to civil security. The navigation system takes input data from the log, gyro, and Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites, and computes an extremely accurate plot.At slow speed, the automated diesel propulsion, guided by more precise Differential GPS, closely follows a preset track or – by dynamic positioning with waterjets and thruster – holds the vessel stationary for mine work. The outstanding stealth properties fundamentally change the ship's survivability and improve its mission effectiveness. Visby represents "stealth all the way" which we at Saab/Kockums define as: Genuine Holistic Stealth - GHOST®.Flat surfaces and concealed equipment reduce radar signature to a minimum. 166. The hull is designed on stealth principles with large flat angled surfaces. Clase Visby (es); Classe Visby (fr); Visby-klassi korvett (et); Korvet Kelas Visby (ms); Visby-Klasse (de-ch); Visby-Klasse (de); Classe Visby (pt); Visby-class corvette (en-gb); ناوچه سبک ویسبی (fa); 偉士比級護衛艦 (zh); Visby-klassen (da); Корветы типа «Висбю» (ru); ヴィスビュー級コルベット (ja); Classe Visby (pt-br); classe Visby (it); Korvet kelas Visby (id); Korwety rakietowe typu Visby (pl); Корвети типу «Вісбю» (uk); Visby class corvette (nl); فيسبي (ar); Visby osztály (hu); Visby-klassen (nb); Visby-luokan korvetti (fi); Visby-class corvette (en); Visby-class corvette (en-ca); Třída Visby (cs); Visby-klass (sv) Classe di corvette (it); class of corvette (en); navire de guerre (fr); en svensk korvettklass (sv) Korvett typ Visby, Visbyklass (korvett) (sv); Visby class (en) The propulsion system provides a continues maximum speed of 15 knots in Diesel engine mode and 35+ knots in Gasturbine mode.Stealth technology makes full use of aggressive architecture, controlled reflection and absorption, colour variation, machinery isolation, ordnance concealment, shielding, and electronic countermeasures (jamming or false imaging) to mask a vessel’s very existence.We tend to think of stealth as a relatively new idea – developed for modern aircraft such as the B-2 bomber introduced in 1988. If the target is lying on the seabed, the ROV-S can also identify it. Its 2.1 m2, apex roof and double sliding door manage to exceed all kinds of expectations.
For this, Visby has active and passive sensors that detect, classify, and home-in on mines. Swedish defence and security company Saab is teaming with Dutch shipbuilder Damen Shipyards Group to explore future opportunities in the international submarine market. Post Jan 20, 2009 #1 2009-01-20T15:05. Zitieren. TactiCall Maritime Communication Solution
Defence and security company Saab and the Polish Navy have conducted a successful commissioning and sea acceptance test of the RBS15 Mk3 onboard the Orkan-class fast attack craft. This results in a higher payload carrying capability, higher speed or longer range.The Visby is equipped with a combined diesel or gas (CODOG) turbine arrangement for high speeds and two diesel engines for low-speed. This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total. The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total. A hull-mounted sonar helps classify submarines or detect mines. 170606-N-N0901-009 (35101841386).jpg 4,902 × 3,268; 1.43 MB 166. In truth, stealth is an instinctive human practice that appeared early in history. The material dramatically reduces the structural weight (typically 50% of a conventional steel hull).
The gas turbine exhausts have been concealed in hidden outlets close to the water surface at the stern of the vessel.The vessel is built of sandwich-construction carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP). Nybro’s little brother has recently joined our Plus range. The engines are connected to two gearboxes, driving two waterjet propulsors. Tacit. Kockums soll eine vergrösserte Variante der bewährten Visby-Klasse unter der Bezeichnung Visby plus anbieten.
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