vexor ratting fit

    You need to buy a ship before you can have it blown up! Next you need to get speed - remember, the Vexor is speed tanked first, and armor tanked second. This means you’ll get it cheaper than in GE-8JV. All of them are fairly easy to tank once you get under their guns.

    Picture on how that's done: I'm currently running a Amarr Executioner T1 frigate (with a few T2 modules) but was looking into it and saw that the Vexor (and the Vexor Navy Issue) were the most used/best ships for ratting. In this configuration, it will be damn tough to catch even on low-sec gate camps.

    I suspect that SBs will be used a hell of a lot more, specialised or not simply because of the cloaking abilities.This isn't the best, thorax would be preferred for Gallante pilots. A small thing but annoying. It has 75mb of drone bandwidth, allowing it to field a mixed flight of medium and heavy drones at a time, and has the drone bay to carry a few replacements or an additional flight of light drones. I have found that manually targeting rats makes them actually attack your drones sometimes.

    How do you pay for it?! Basically this is all you do. Although that restriction has now been lifted, we'll keep this page here in case it is useful. We are proud with the immediate release of EVE Workbench 1.6.0 which brings you new features and bug fixes. It's an easy fit and lots of people can fly them. This includes how to belt-rat, how to anom-rat, and most importantly, how not to lose the thing to angry Russians. With decent drone skills you can make up to 10 million every 20 minutes in this little ship! 1. The Vexor is a dedicated drone boat. If you see a ship that looks suspicious, decrease the D-Scan range to 0.1 AU. With this release we also think that the project is no longer in BETA phase. Drones are set for aggressive, so they will attack anyone within drone range that attacks you. Vexor - NSC Ratting. Basically if you’re broke, new and brave you can apply. Its great when people pick apart and criticize other peoples fits but don't post an alternative fit of their own...Ship setup will change in summer expansion.

    Please note that we don’t have an endless supply of these badboys, so if we’re low the “first free one” has priority. You get one - and only one - for free. Posted by. Posts (c) 2011-2013 Jester. Before too much longer, the new type of low-sec "tag rats" should be appearing on the Singularity test server.

    Specified market details for fitting This is why we want YOU to fly these things! ", the answer ... This gives the Vexor great flexibility for long roams, where it can carry a full flight of medium and light damage drones, as well as a flight of light repair or EWAR drones to deploy as the … Vexor Navy Issue Volume 112.000,00 m3 (Packaged 10.000,00 m3) Total fittings: 63 The price is not too steep to boot.I've been playing with these in serpentis lowsec space on sisi in an AC shield thrasher. Theme images by Jester's ramblings about EVE Online, MMOs, gaming, geek philosophy, and -- very occasionally -- life. But I thought it might be fun to put together a ship that would theoretically be good at hunting them. Fittings List: [Vexor, Mission Runner] Medium Armor Repairer II Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II Damage Control II Convert EVE Online Time. Tried some things, but you don't really know how to make some space money? I used to be a fan of my 100mn XLASB fit, but with the removal of heavy drones that’s less useful; an armour ancil is better now anyway. The most dangerous ones I've encountered yet was the negotiators that had a web equipped (fortunately not the 90% web usually found on NPC's). To leave a comment at this fitting you must Specified market details for fitting A Vexor has a lot to recommend it for this kind of work: it's very cheap to fly and to replace if needed. By doing this the aggro will (almost) never switch to your drones. Then warp to an anom @ 70km or a belt @ 50. Vexor, NSC Ratting If you are missing features please let us know using the feedback button, If you like EVE Workbench and you want to support us we have a few options available to do so, check out Vexor - NSC Ratting.

    You are very likely to lose your ship due to high PVP activity. They were prepared to help players during the original Alpha Clone release, when you were restricted to only flying ships from your own racial ship tree. Ratting is based on the principle of finding and killing NPC Pirates (aka "Rats") for the purpose of gathering bounties and loot.

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    vexor ratting fit