The USS Titan makes a cameo in the latest issue (#3) of Brannon Braga's "Hive" mini-series of IDW's TNG comic! Just kidding, thanks and I am glad you like it. Star Trek: Titan is a series of science fiction novels which detail the adventures of Captain William T. Riker, and the crew of the USS Titan. Demnach ist Riker seit Sternzeit 47203 (im Jahr 2370) Captain der USS Titan. Captain Christine Vale (2386 - ; Human female) 2. Sell custom creations to people who love your style.Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all.Experiment with DeviantArt’s own digital drawing tools.Here is a little something that I finally had to do.Hi, I am in a roleplaying group and we use a Luna-class starship. One of the problems, if I remember, was that extremely diverse crew they liked to boast about. Both were introduced in The Next Generation episode "Encounte… StarTrek-Fanart. instead of "ways"?Yep I will be fixing it in the next day or so. The USS Titan (NCC-80102) was a Luna-class Federation starship in Starfleet service, launched in the year 2379 under the command of Captain William T. Riker. He transferred from the USS Enterprise-E, along with his new wife, Counselor Deanna Troi. The intent was to make walls that appear almost organic, as the Orville's walls are organic in-universe. First of all thank you so much for designing the class in the first place and secondly giving an interior for the bridge.I built it in Illustrator so it is in parts. Even the consoles looks like they are positioned in the height of knees of people sitting in chairs. Going with the Nemisis Ent-E It was a bit gray and dark, and the Titan bridge was discribed as a small version of the Soveriegn Bridge with a few changes. Gamma Shift Officer of the Watch: 1.
Captain William T. Riker (2379 - 2385 ; Human male) 2. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite and share.Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art.Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Featured in groups See All. Lieutenan… I'm not saying it's wrong, it just doesn't look balanced.The Titan books started out strong but deteriorated badly.I read the first few when they first came out and then also gradually lost interest. Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Solarbaby, Jun 5, 2012. StarTrek.
This ship is still a work in progress. Joined: Jul 29, 2009 Location: solarbaby. For their first assignment, the Titan crew was to head up the new task force investigating the possibility of peaceful relations with the Romulan Empire in the wake of the recent events involving the coup d'état of Shinzon of Remus. Some of the species were somewhat difficult to picture and in some cases just didn't make sense to me for those species wanting to serve on a federation vessel with more conventional humanoids. Second officer/Tactical officer: Commander Tuvok (2380) 1. First officer (as seen in the Star Trek: Titan book series): Commander Christine Vale 1. If you enjoy GameFront, please consider This is an update to the USS Titan. Love it. I haven't based this on any details from the Novels since I only read a couple. Commander Bianca Finch (Harry Potter and the Return of James T. Kirk) 2.
Dig it. Star Trek by Naps137. Mar 7, 2009. I was inspired with the Enterprise E bridge (Good work, as always. But it's so grey. Reply. May 26, 2020, 2:40 a.m. Captain Tralla Sh'Zoarhi (Captain) Bridge - Main Sim on USS Memorial. Captain Riker, and his wife Deanna Troi, served aboard the USS Enterprise under the command of Jean-Luc Picard. I really like it ! Commanding officer: Captain William T. Riker 2. You Might Like . Very nice! They used laser-cutting and metal braking to build the captain and commander chairs, trying to make them large enough to seem imposing but small enough not to compromise the view of the back hallway. FanTrek . Commanding Officer: 1. It never set right with me.Haha, which one was that? The exterior of the model is a 3D conversion, although it has been heavily modified from when I started. . Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Solarbaby Fleet Captain Fleet Captain. The Bridge is a large and comfortable room adorned with many computers and other pieces of various technology encompassing both sides.
Jahrhundert. This is the Federation starship USS Titan from the book series of the same name. According to visual effects producer The set is adorned with obscured LED lighting that can be changed to manufacture specific environments, such as red alert emergencies.The chairs were made by the furniture design company Acme Made in America. It's a Bridge of the ship named USS Titan NCC-80102, which is a ship of Luna class, set in 2380’s. I assume this is our first official pic (left) of First Officer Christine Vale? (Star Trek Nemesis)
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