usb tethering iphone

    Getting iPhone USB tethering on Windows without iTunes. For Apple phones, use the standard ... Open your phone's settings and search for Tethering (on Android) or … If possible, connect your iPhone to a power source–or plug it into your laptop via USB cable–while tethering. Step 1: Download the latest version of iTunes for Windows on your PC, install the program and run it. Chris has written for The New York Times, been interviewed as a technology expert on TV stations like Miami's NBC 6, and had his work covered by news outlets like the BBC. To do so, you just connect to it like you do any Wi-Fi access point, whether you’re using a Windows PC, Mac, iPad, or any other device. You’re ready to surf the Internet, check e-mail, chat, and so on.On a Mac, open head to System Preferences > Bluetooth, find your iPhone in the list, and click “Pair” next to your iPhone.You’ll be shown a pair code on your Mac’s screen and on your iPhone.If the codes match, tap the “Pair” button to confirm the connection.Now, from your Mac’s menu bar, click the Bluetooth symbol, highlight your iPhone in the list, and click “Connect to Network”.You’ll now be able to access the Internet through your iPhone’s Bluetooth connection. In diesem wikiHow erfährst du, wie du Geräte mit deinem iPhone verbindest, so dass sie die Internetverbindung deines iPhones nutzen können. Sometimes it's more convenient to use your iPhone's Internet connection and share it with your PC. Die Verbindung erfolgt dabei via WLAN, Bluetooth oder USB. As long as you have your Personal Hotspot turned on, all you need to do is plug your phone in with a USB cable and you should be good to go.On our Windows’ network adapters, we can see we’re connected via “Apple Mobile Device Ethernet”.On our Mac, we can see in the Network settings that our iPhone is connected through our USB connection.Of all the methods, USB is the fastest but most inconvenient, requiring your iPhone to be physically connected to the computer.

    When you want to disconnect, click the Bluetooth symbol once more, choose your iPhone, and then “Disconnect from Network”.Connecting via USB is by far the easiest method to tether your phone. Check your cellular plan for more details about your plan’s hotspot, or tethering, capabilities.There are three ways to connect to your iPhone and use its data connection: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and USB. There's only one problem: Setting things up can be kind of complicated on these combinations of platforms: iPhone with USB to a PC running Windows. Tap the Personal Hotspot option. Although using the Personal Hotspot through Wi-Fi is easy, interference or security might be an issue. Right click on it and choose "Update Driver" > Search Automatically. Just select your iPhone from the list of Wi-Fi networks.If you’re connecting for the first time, you’ll need to enter the password you assigned earlier.If all goes well, you should have internet on your laptop or other device.When you or anyone else is connected to you iPhone’s Personal Hotspot, a blue bar will appear along the top and show you how many connections there are.Wi-Fi and USB are faster than Bluetooth, but you’d prefer to use Bluetooth to connect to your hotspot, you can do that too.To connect via Bluetooth from a Windows computer, first click on the Bluetooth icon in the system tray and select “Join a Personal Area Network”.Next, click “Add a Device” in the upper-left corner.Choose your iPhone from the resulting screen and click “Next” to continue.Like any other Bluetooth connection, you’ll be shown a pair code on your computer and your iPhone. If you’re out and about and there’s no free Wi-Fi available, you can use your iPhone’s internet connection on another device, like a laptop or tablet.

    Step 3: Connect your iPhone to your PC via the USB cable. Tap the switch next to Personal Hotspotto turn on. This feature is called “Personal Hotspot” on the iPhone (also known as “First of all: not every cellular carrier includes this feature in every plan. Your carrier may charge you extra if you need more tethering data.

    Since we launched in 2006, our articles have been read more than 1 billion times. Without a strong password, anyone within range could potentially connect to your phone. Still, it’s super simple to set up, requiring zero configuration.Bluetooth is more secure than Wi-Fi, but the slowest of the three, also requiring the most configuration, though once it’s done, you don’t have to worry about it again.We saw speeds around .8mbps down, .8 up, and again, 60mg ping times.Wi-Fi will be the most popular way of connecting, but is insecure if you don’t use a strong password–so make sure you set one. The device will automatically begin tethering after syncing is complete. He's written about technology for nearly a decade and was a PCWorld columnist for two years. To do this, tap Settings from your home screen and go to Personal Hotspot. Be sure to disable the hotspot when you’re not using it, too. If after the installation iTunes still doesn't detect the iPhone, restart your PC and try again. If your iPhone is not detected, on your PC open Device Manager > Other Devices > iPhone. Step 2: Activate the Personal Hotspot on your iPhone . Windows will install the latest driver. There are three ways to connect to your iPhone and use its data connection: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and USB. He's even written a book, Chris Hoffman is Editor in Chief of How-To Geek. The most secure way of connecting to your iPhone would be through a USB cable. This article will show you the steps to connect your PC to an iPhone using a USB cable.

    Compare the two passcodes, and if they are the same, tap “Pair” on your iPhone’s screen and “Yes” on the Windows pair screen.Allow your Windows machine to install the necessary files on your system.Once finished, you can right-click on your iPhone to connect it as an access point.

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    usb tethering iphone