the angel's game carlos ruiz zafon

    Thus I was pretty much immediately captured by Angel's Game. Amazon calculates a product’s star ratings based on a machine learned model instead of a raw data average.

    I flew The Prisoner of Heaven, The Angel's Game, and The Shadow of the Wind in record time. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. The stories are riviting, the characters are complex and engaging, and his wrtiting style has a classical poetic lyricism to it.

    In the last few pages though I feel as if the author just waves his hands to magic up any old ending to bring the story to a conclusion, and I am left disappointed.
    There seems less pace and characterisation in this book than the first, although these characters are less black and white. He is to write a book unlike anything that has ever existed—an attempt at a new religious work with the power to change hearts and minds. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote.

    The Prisoner of Heaven, (which is a much slighter work, even though still full of depth & characterisation) rates more highly with Amazon reviewers - possibly because it is peopled by a lot of the same or similar characters to The Shadow of the Wind.Reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 24, 2016

    A mystical journey through an author's coming of age Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations

    Having said all that, I thoroughly enjoyed the story and couldn't put it down. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. I loved Carlos Ruis Zafon's first book "The Shadow of the Wind" in the Cemetery of Forgotten Books series and was really looking forward to reading this.

    Yet as David begins the work, he realizes that there is a connection between his haunting book and the shadows that surround his home. Find all the books, read about the author, and more. Bad luck plagues David throughout, and this does serve to keep my sympathy with the character; and although David is later shown to be far from perfect, I found him too complex and troubled to not like. I absolutely adored SOTW and left it a while before I read this, in order not to compare.

    I didn’t realize until I was almost at the end of the novel that this is really a prequel.... trilogy written by Carlos Ruiz Zafon has been my favorite find of 2016

    And although I finished it, I am not sure that I understood it. The story bounces from wonderfully light-hearted flirtatious moments, through episodes of deep and genuine love to sequences of pure dark menace leaving the reader always wondering how much is in the mind of the narrator and how much is real.
    The story comes to life in your mind and gives you plenty to think about. Cancel.

    Furthermore, the history of the house he lives in begins to seep into his life - in a locked room within the house lie photographs and letters hinting at the mysterious death of the previous owner.

    Do read it! Zafon's style of writing is deep and emotive, and he maintains this throughout.

    Thanks, we'll look into this.

    Please try your request again later.This shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed. However comparisons have to be made to Shadow but I was hooked from page 1. After discovering The Shadow of the Wind at a used book store, I eagerly purchased two more Zafon novels. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote.

    Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote.

    I have to admit that the end was a little disappointing, as I felt like I didn't know what the heck was going on, but having since read other reviews, everyone seemed to feel the same.

    On its own, it kept me totally enthralled up to the last handful of pages.

    The survivor of a troubled childhood, he has taken refuge in the world of books and spends his nights spinning baroque tales about the city’s underworld.

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    This one starts well and then the middle third becomes rather convoluted and seems to loose it's way. I've been having a foreign affair (evidence in the photo), and what a ride. His own life begins to take on a dramatic bent, in the form of a number of complex relationships: with Pedro Vidal, his patron, with Cristina, the daughter of Vidal's chauffeur, and with Isabella, a young admirer of David and his work. Again, a baffling and seemingly inexplicable situation is organised, the solution too which we gradually learn as the characters in the plot undergo various sadnesses and catastrophes. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote.

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    the angel's game carlos ruiz zafon