sto vaadwaur miracle worker dreadnought

    I know.. it’s not ‘the best,’ but he’s been AP for a long time and has all Epic Gear so I have just carried on. The Vaadwaur dedication to warfare shines clearly in the ship, the top of the Vaadwaur line. Use at least 2 very rare ones and one rare to get the maximum uptime.This leaves us with 3 open positions. Is there a minimum to always have?Question: (and apologies if it’s an obvious one) but why slot Beam Overload on a cannon build?All cannon builds use an omni-beam for a) a set bonus an b) Mixed Armaments Synergy. Just use the beam ship as a basis, add TS2 instead of Kemo2 (move that to ensign), MAS3 is also an option. Also using a Targeting Lock battery with an active NSB3 is not the best idea.So what is a “good” about to have on a ship without NSB? You might also get the Special Requisition Pack – 26th Century Dreadnought Cruiser, which opens into one of the ships below, depending on faction: Image Universe Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Cruiser (Starfleet Only) This layout is very similar to what we use on the Vadwaaur Juggernaut or Jem’hadar Warship, but sadly cruisers don’t have a commander tactical. Cryptics latest additions to the 23rd-century style refits are the Miracle Worker Battlecruisers. Vaadwaur Juggernaut [T6] Mirror Engle Escort Carrier [T6] Styx Terran Dreadnought Cruiser [T6] T'Pau Vulcan Scout Ship [T6] Shran Light Pilot Escort [T6] Gagarin Miracle Worker Battlecruiser [T6] Fleet Shran Light Pilot Escort [T6] Fleet Gagarin Miracle Worker Battlecruiser [T6] M'Chla Pilot Bird of Prey [T6] Qugh Miracle Worker Battlecruiser [T6] Trying to use the resulting money to flip stuff is possible but really slow to start.If it were me, I'd get the Tzenkethi Tzen-Tar Dreadnought Carrier if you like flying carriers because of similarity to your current ship. check out our weapon dmg calculator (guides section) yes, the sensor linked turret is always the superior choice in that casebecause you get more procs out of kemocite that way, even tho, with the recent nerf of kemocite i would use dual heavy cannons now.Felisean, why do you have the Tachyo Converter on instead of the Gamma Rep console in tandem with the Gamma Rep Phaser Turret.the turret is decent to good, the gamma rep console sadly not that great.
    The only question I have is about the devices. Remaining places are often filled with energy weapons officer increasing crit stats for energy weapons. I will either go with that or the Trilithium for the speed. Also, would you suggest using Fleet Support or one of the use-from-inventory devices like Phased-Waveform Beacon or Beacon of Kahless?I found the picture of the epic device, it’s the Temporal Negotiator, which appears to be a limited time only item, and no longer attainable. Or just use the T6 Romulan Rep. Disruptor beam plus Zeropoint console. Image Hu'rq Vecrid Hive Dreadnought Carrier. And how should i start equiping the ship when i just recently hit 65 and want to go for a phaser beam build (it makes my inner trek fan happy)?the one with 4 tactical consoles is the fleet version of the ship, since you bought the ship already you need 1 fsm and some fleet credits (and a fleet high enough to buy it).use +phaser consoles for the tac slots (rare-vr mk xi/xii ones) or if oyu have the resources the locator or colony consoles directly, get a few universal consoles for the other slots, episode rewards like the quantum phase console (+beam), lockbox consoles like the approaching agony, the 2 piece (omni+console) from the episode beyond the nexus, the regnerative crystal matrix shield from one episode para parcem, a colony deflector (fleet draanur colony, ~10k fcredits + 8.5k dil or so), a spire elite warp core (fleet spire same resources) and grab a engine from somewhere.hope that will help a bit. Or is that equal?In general, NSB is considered the better one of both skills, because it also adds accuracy. The armament consists of the Morphogenic Energy Torp and Turret, 3 Dominion Polaron DCs (that’s three times Boldly They Rode), Advanced Piezo-Polaron DC, the Gamma Rep Polaron and Chronometric Turret.

    but you defnitly need t6 reps to get to the full potential. The Juggernaut is a dreadnought design used by the Vaadwaur Supremacy in 2410. Since it only procs when you’re under fire and taking damage though, this can be a little unreliable.Hey guys, one more question : When I am going for a phaser beam build. Even though they offer nothing we already have seen on other ships, those battlecruisers are quite powerful and provide an almost perfect bridge officer layout for Aux2Battery cannon and beam builds.Here are some examples to give you an idea about how to arm them for the current meta. Nothing really exotic. is just great for all energy weapon builds, even better for Phasers as it adds another +15% to this weapon type.

    The C-C Multi-Conduit Relay also boosts kemocite-laced weapons, Ordnance Accelerators adds 36.3% to Phaser damage and the Reinforced Armaments boosts EPS, hull cap and regeneration.

    Charon commanded by Emperor Georgiou, with some of the finer details on its origin shrouded in mystery. Most Recent More. would it be a good idea to get one of these Bio-Neural Gel Pack to compensate for that?try to get at least 3 rare one, better 1 very rare 2 rare. It’s nice to have them but space barbie is more important.
    No MAS here, if you want to use that skill, you should run the complete Nausicaan Set and use something like the Polaron Build below. These special unlocks also increase ‘space damage’.Intel and Strategist. The AP beta doff that heals you is also a prudent choice when available.

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    sto vaadwaur miracle worker dreadnought