Either no one had ever heard of Jesus before the Gospels were written, or they had heard of Jesus… but it was a different Jesus. The trailer is on youtube if you care to analyze it.Yes, I’m aware of what it is. The “Chrestus” mention in Suetonius could be a mention of someone by that name (it was a common Greek name at the time), or could be a misunderstanding of “Christus”/Χριστός/Messiah and refer to Jewish theological disputes about eschatology, or could refer to a Jewish Messianic claimant in Rome given the title of “Christus”/Χριστός/Messiah, or (obviously) it could be a garbled reference to Jewish disputes over the Jesus “Christus”/Χριστός of Christianity. There is no indication that he followed blindly the account of any predecessor” (C.W. Alle diese Erwähnungen stützen die Echtheit der Bibel ( Furthermore, it was stated that James brother of the Lord was informed of Peter’s death (64 CE or 67 CE) via letter, long after the James in Josephus was dead and gone.Never mind, as seen with John Frum’s brother Prince Philip, a supposed founder can be said to be related to real people, even when those relations are not supported by fact.First, it is known the passage was tampered with. ), but there’s not much to be done with them since we here, as everywhere in Tacitus’ major works, effectively depend on a single manuscript.” (E-mail quoted in Ehrman’s blog article The obvious question that arises from this is, if the sentence in question is so obviously an interpolation, why have so few (barely any, in fact) scholars of Tacitus noticed this? And tackling all of the problems with Shaw’s argument would have made an already rather long piece even longer – which wasn’t really worth it given that Shaw is tangential.
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He makes reference to the Nero as antiChrist legend/s.“The conclusions are simple. The condescending cynic should just stick to what he knows best, biology.I would be glad to debate anyone you pick. I’ve already explained why it is unlikely that Judas survived the 6 AD uprising. They do seem to have enjoyed a brief vogue during the (very) short reign of his namesake in the third century, with the ill-fated emperor Tacitus (d. 276) apparently having copies made thanks to a claim he was descended from the historian and out of concern they may be lost (Overall, Carrier’s argument boils down to the fact no-one else connects any Neronic Persecution directly to an accusation of arson. C.W Mendell highlights the way Tacitus handles his sources with due care:In the Histories there are sixty-eight instances in which Tacitus indicates either a recorded statement or a belief on someone’s part with regard to something which he himself is unwilling to assert as a fact; in other words, he cites divergent authority for some fact or motive …. The later interpretation is supported by Rufinus of Aquileia in the 4th century who states James the Lord’s brother was informed of the death of Peter (64 CE or 67 CE ie after the James in Josephus was dead and gone). From other sources, so if we found an ancient historian saying “the Galli are devotees of Attis, who castrated himself” we do not think therefore that Attis existed (although if this was the only reference to Attis ever, we might be less sure about this).”I’d still say that there is a fundamental difference to Tacitus saying “this Christus was executed in Judea by Pilatus in the reign of Tiberius” and “the Galli are devotees of Attis, who castrated himself”. Even in the form we have the passage is insanely short when compared to Athronges: a “mere shepherd, not known by anybody” who with his brothers gets some five paragraphs and Josephus gives details on Athronges’ actions.As for Jewish Antiquities XX.9.1, mythicists such as Richard Carrier believe that this reference is an interpolation and actually references a figure named Jesus ben Damneus who is identified at the end of the passage as becoming high priest.
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