79,00 EUR 55,00 EUR −30%. United States date = date.replace(/[Y]+/, year); Dein Browser blockiert Cookies. message: 'Please enter a email address. } else {
} $button.addClass('disabled'); var errorContent = data.element.closest('.form-combo-molecule').find('.errors'); $errorContent.find('small[data-field="' + data.field + '"]').remove(); framework: 'bootstrap', Alle Rechte vorbehalten. var $form = $(this).closest('form'); Join the Swarovski Club to subscribe to the newsletter and receive a 10% voucher for your next purchase on swarovski.com fields: { message_en: 'Please enter a password.' In case of an error on at least one field we disable the submit button manually */ }; 'values[scFooterRegistrationFormDefinition_password]': { All rights reserved. Copyright © 2020 Swarovski. regexp: /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?
Deutschland if(data.element.closest('.form-combo-molecule').length){ SWAROVSKI sowie das SWAN-Logo sind eingetragene Handelsmarken der Swarovski AG. 22.04.2019 - Erkunde Urmelis Pinnwand „Swarovsky Armband, Ohrringe, Ketten“ auf Pinterest. ... Seine unendliche Leidenschaft für Innovation und Design macht Swarovski zu einer der führenden Marken.
}) regexp: { }; } max: 70 } "); Weitere Ideen zu Armband, Schmuck, Ohrringe. Shop Swarovski armbanden online bij de Bijenkorf. SWAROVSKI and the SWAN logo are registered trademarks of Swarovski AG. SWAROVSKI and the SWAN logo are registered trademarks of Swarovski AG. hiddenDateField.val(date); )+$/, var formId = 'scFooterRegistration'; }) Look no further than Swarovski's wedding selection, featuring sparkling wedding sets and timeless necklaces and bracelets.
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message: messages.join("
"), } valid: null, .on('success.field.fv', function() { Daniel Swarovskis meisterhafte Kunstfertigkeit beim Schleifen von Kristall prägt das Unternehmen seit 1895. date = date.replace(/[M]+/, month); message_en: messagesEN }, if ($form.find('.form-group.has-error').length > 0) {
$(newErrorContainer).hide(); {7,}$)', ''))) { validating: null }, callback: function(value, validator, $field) { }, } ', var replaceDatePatternWithValue = function(mandatory, fieldConfigCode, fieldConfigPattern) { formId = 'scFooterRegistrationFormDefinition'; SALE does not apply to item(s) purchased at regular price before the SALE begins. $errorContent.find('small[data-fv-result="INVALID"]').removeAttr("style"); $(newErrorContainer).attr("class", "help-block"); } Copyright © 2020 Swarovski. trigger: 'blur', SALE applies to full priced items only and cannot be combined with any other offer. return { var date = fieldConfigPattern.toUpperCase(); .on('success.form.fv', function() { date = date.replace(/[D]+/, day);
trigger: 'blur', } min: 0 valid: false, 119,00 EUR 83,00 EUR −30%. All rights reserved. SALE may also apply in Swarovski operated stores in select participating countries. His enduring passion for innovation and design has made it the world’s premier jewelry and accessory brand. $(newErrorContainer).attr("data-tracked", "true"); 24.03.2020 - Erkunde Stefanie Carraros Pinnwand „Armband“ auf Pinterest.
$(this).closest('#scFooterRegistrationFormConfigWrapper').find('.js-scFooterRegistrationFormConfig') } if (!value.trim().match(new RegExp('(^$|^(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[A-Z]).
$(newErrorContainer).attr("data-fv-for", $(data.element[0]).attr("name") ); Alle Rechte vorbehalten. }
if (errorContent.text().includes(messages[i])) { message_en: 'The number of characters for this field must be between 0 and 70',
/ include a numeric digit }, if (mandatory) { var hiddenDateField = $('.js-' + fieldConfigCode + '_hidden'); : date); Perlen Basteln, Schmuck Selber Machen, Rocailleperlen Schmuck, Swarovski Schmuck, Handwerk Mit Perlen, Armband Anleitung, Kindergeburtstag Basteln, … Bitte aktiviere Cookies und lade die Website erneut, um weiter auf sie zugreifen zu können. Copyright © 2020 Swarovski. }
$(newErrorContainer).attr("data-fv-validator", "callback");
if(molecule.hasClass('has-error')){ } var $button = $form.find('.js-button'); message: 'The number of characters for this field must be between 0 and 70', /* Remove the field messages */ $(newErrorContainer).attr("data-field", data.field); notEmpty: { } Swarovski Crystal Armband with Velcro closure made by JewelsByJulie replaceDatePatternWithValue(mandatory, fieldCode, dateFormat);
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