Follow Tanya through a week of her busy life as she works to save the her children, her mate, her friends, stockholders, and the very world, in that order.
Side-by-side with a detested rival, Harrow must perfect her skills and become an angel of undeath - but her health is failing, her sword makes her nauseous, and even her mind is threatening to betray her.
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Return to a planet swept by apocalyptic storms, a world tipping into war as aristocratic families move to control the shard blades and shard plates, ancient artifacts from a past civilisation that can win wars.
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Take your pick from the world’s largest selection of audiobooks including best sellers, latest releases, sci-fi, fantasy and more. The bombmaker specialises in drone strikes, and homegrown jihadists that he has trained are already back in the UK, planning their attacks. 85
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Authors / Illustrator.
Overall 77 Follow Steve and his group as you see the apocalypse unfold through a single person's eyes.
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