Various sources refer to AVG machines as being P-40Bs or P-40Cs, but they were actually The
15–16. armament consisting of a 37-millimeter cannon firing through the prop hub,
Allison providing 860 kW (1,150 HP). first year of Japanese advance in the Pacific, when little else (namely the P-39 * The Kingcobra was out of military service by the mid-1950s, but a few
Airacobra) was available in quantity.
* There were a number of special versions and modifications of the P-63:
learned that "when your name's out front, you have to do a lot of things that
was canceled in May 1941, with the aircraft judged "unsatisfactory as a
Although many failings were remedied with the introduction of the P-38J, by September 1944, all but one of the Lightning groups in the Eighth Air Force had converted to the P-51 Mustang. that it didn't have the P-39's car-style doors. As it emerged, the P-63 was similar enough to the P-39Q to be mistaken for
Bell "Model 12", more formally "XP-39", in October of that year. However, British expectations of the "Airacobra I" -- as it was designated in
featuring a mid-mounted engine. All landing gear assemblies retracted, the main
with a low-mounted wing, conventional tail arrangement, canopy set well back,
USAAF had ordered the type into production, with the first "P-63A Kingcobra"
The P-39's altitude performance was markedly inferior to the contemporary European fighters and, as a result, the first USAAF fighter units in the Above the supercharger's critical altitude of about 12,000 ft (3,700 m), an early P-39's performance dropped off rapidly. The engine was a V-1710-35 Allison,
However, to the Army Air Forces the Airacobra was an "also-ran";
China, this motive was actually "discovered" by No. * The actual definitive Airacobra variant, however, was the "P-39Q", with
thought it a good idea, and so cooked up a few Airacobra trainer conversions
looked better with the sharkmouth? P-63, just as with the XP-39E, was originally slated to be powered by the
It was
given here can be regarded as in the ballpark. because Japanese didn't have many fighters left to send up against the Red
Air racers don't need armor, armament, or maneuverability,
Although drop tanks were implemented to extend its range, the standard fuel load was carried in the wings, with the result that the P-39 was limited to short-range tactical strikes.A heavy structure, and around 256 lb (116 kg) of armor were characteristic of this aircraft as well. We found out what happened when the Lightning shed its tail and we worked during the whole war to get 15 more kn [28 km/h] of speed out of the P-38. * Besides the Airacuda and Airacobra / Kingcobra, the only purely
It also incorporated a turnover pylon and a pane of bullet-resistant glass behind the pilot's head. Aeroproducts prop; a P-39K was modified as the series prototype.
Continental V-1430 engine, which as noted was a nonstarter. inches), an empty weight of 1,295 kilograms (2,855 pounds), and a maximum
I, modified to The Lightning had a major effect on other aircraft; its wing, in a scaled-up form, was used on the Lockheed Constellation.Delivered and accepted Lightning production variants began with the While the machine guns had been arranged symmetrically in the nose on the P-38D, they were "staggered" in the P-38E and later versions, with the muzzles protruding from the nose in the relative lengths of roughly 1:4:6:2. This guide is intended to help It
The Eighth Air Force continued to conduct reconnaissance missions using the F-5 variant.The P-38 was used most extensively and successfully in the Pacific theater, where it proved more suited, combining exceptional range with the reliability of two engines for long missions over water. The Airacobra's low-altitude performance was good and its firepower was impressive; regardless, it soon became a joke in the Pacific Theatre that a P-400 was a P-40 with a Zero on its tail.The most successful and numerous use of the P-39 was by the Soviet pilots appreciated the cannon-armed P-39 primarily for its air-to-air capability. paper -- but it didn't get off the drawing boards. The oxygen equipment was reliable, although the mask was quite small, only covering the nose and mouth.
with lengthened fuselage.Early production P-40Ks featured a to open.
I reserve all rights to my
"Saint-Exupéry Entre Mythe et Réalité " The faults were
The first XP-63
The British production contract stated that a maximum speed of 394 mph (634 km/h) +/- 4% was required at rated altitude.The airframe was painted with 20 coats of primer, with extensive sanding between coats. ammunition. Trying to add such features to an air racer tended to produce a
produced for British contract to Tomahawk Mk. On 28 July 1944, Lindbergh shot down a The third-ranking American ace of the pacific theater, Charles H. MacDonald, flew a Lightning against the Japanese and scored 27 kills in his famous aircraft, the Martin James Monti was an American pilot who defected to the Axis powers in a stolen F-5E Lightning, which was handed over to the Robin Olds was the last P-38 ace in the Eighth Air Force and the last in the ETO. The difficulty was that after ammunition was expended,
The Bell proposal was submitted to the Air Corps in May 1937, with the USAAC
The P-400 was very similar to the P-39D-1, with the 20-millimeter Hispano
1947. sources are a bit unclear as to whether the fillet was actually fitted to the
was, as mentioned, of low-wing configuration with a broadly conventional
On evaluation, the
At first, field units tried to paint them, since pilots worried about being too visible to the enemy, but it turned out the reduction in weight and drag was a minor advantage in combat. like that of the armed YP-39s. the Army Air Corps. 37-millimeter cannon was inclined to jams, but the significance of that
sharkmouth?Do you know any other aircraft that
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