nfl best tackles

    So, if you have an old-school run blocker who doesn’t have a clue how to pass-block on the right-hand side of your offense, your offense is going to fall apart very quickly. The fourth-year tackle posted a 93.3 , making him one of three tackles to rank in the top 10 at the position in both metrics last year.

    He had always been an above-average player at the position prior to 2019, but he has now solidified himself as one of the NFL's premier tackles. On true pass sets, one of the most stable and predictive metrics for offensive linemen, he ranked fourth in .

    While he did have his lowest of his career, he still made minimal mistakes in that facet, as he was 18th at the position in negatively graded run block rate. The last thing coaching staffs want in the modern-day NFL is a tackle who consistently ends up in the lap of the quarterback. He’s been durable throughout his eight-year career, logging over in every season and providing consistency in pass protection. If we see Collins maintain that premier play, he’ll continue to rise up this list in years to come.Moton’s future looks bright after having a strong first two years starting at tackle. The past two years, specifically, are the key reason why he ranks atop this list. His in that span is the 13th-best among qualifying tackles. That said, Tunsil’s career year in 2018 pushed him all the way to 11th in our eyes as we head into the 2020 season. His season have ranged from 78.6 to 85.3, forming a career pass-block that ranks 16th among 119 qualifying tackles. We'll take great pass-protectors over run-blockers any day of the week in today’s NFL, and Villanueva fits the bill there.Smith is one of the most undervalued tackles in the game and offers exceptional run-blocking prowess. Nonetheless, these 25 tackles have put their offenses in positions to consistently succeed. But despite that, he’s still a top-10 tackle.The 32-year-old Castonzo got paid this offseason (two years, $33 million) — and rightfully so. Does it make the king’s ransom Houston gave up for him worth it? He’s earned an above-average grade on true pass sets and has avoided negatively graded run blocks at an above-average rate, too — both of these are stable metrics for offensive tackles. Now, the right tackle must be a quick and efficient pass protector as well, because so many quarterbacks are so often taking three- to five-step drops and throwing to their first and second reads. and had multiple seasons in the top three. He produced an 88.8 , ranking second in the NFL. He showed that in the Chiefs’ Super Bowl run by earning a Okung wasn’t a key contributor to the Chargers' poor tackle play last season, as he missed a good chunk of the year due to injury. His pass-protection isn’t nearly as good as some around him on this list, but it's well above-average and far from a liability.The soon-to-be 35-year-old is one of the best tackles we have ever seen in the PFF era. Smith has some kinks to work out as a pass-protector, as he allowed the by a tackle in 2019 (hence why he is just 18th here). It’s not high-level football analysis to say that clean pockets significantly aid quarterbacks and create lanes that propel running backs into the open field. He might have lost a step, but he is still very much the anchor to this Seattle offensive line — Brown is the one player keeping the unit from The safe runner-up to the Saints in best tackle duo in the NFL is the Ravens with Stanley and Brown. When he’s healthy, … Lane Johnson, Philadelphia Eagles When talking about the NFL’s best offensive tackles in today’s game, there’s one thing that’s perfectly clear: The distinction between the left tackle and right tackle positions is basically out the door.

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    nfl best tackles