Gaius ist der Hofarzt und ein vertrautes Ratsmitglied, wegen seines niederen Standes jedoch nicht gefeit vor Verdächtigung und Anschuldigung. Merlin's intense new friendship is tested.Dignitaries from rival kingdoms descend on Camelot for peace talks, but King Alined will do everything in his power to stir up hostilities.Uther has a precious magical relic locked up tight in the Camelot vaults that many have lost their lives trying to reclaim.When the Fires of Idirsholas burn for the first time in 300 years, Gaius fears a sorcerer has revived the deadly Knights of Medhir.The last Dragonlord is the key to Merlin's past as well as the future of Camelot, but will Arthur and Merlin find him in time to save the kingdom?The third season of this Syfy series picks up with Morgana a year after she fled Camelot and joined forces with the sorceress Morgause.The despondent prince is all but ready to give up searching for the missing Lady Morgana -- but then a bruised, bloodied figure emerges from the mist.While Merlin heals from the Serket's poison, Morgana and Morgause continue their evil plan by persuading Uther's enemy, Cenred, to invade Camelot.Merlin accidentally releases a goblin that possesses Gaius, leading the once-wise physician to develop a taste for gold, ale and magical jokes.Merlin and Arthur find themselves outnumbered in a bar brawl, but an enigmatic young man helps them prevail, risking his life to protect the prince.Merlin has a meeting with the wizened old sorcerer Taliesin, who takes the young warlock to the crystal cave and shows him a glimpse of the future.As Arthur is pressured into an arranged marriage with a visiting princess, the suspicious Merlin discovers that she may not be who she claims to be.Gwen faces a terrible dilemma when she's forced to choose between her estranged brother and Arthur, with one of them certain to die at Cenred's hand.To prove himself worthy of the Camelot throne, Arthur embarks on a solitary quest to retrieve the Golden Trident from the Fisher King.Merlin is forced to tell Gaius about the evil intent of Alice, his recently returned former love, after learning she's under a Manticore's influence.Tormented by dreams of Guinevere becoming Queen of Camelot, Morgana -- exhorted by Morgause -- decides to reveal Arthur and Gwen's courtship to Uther.As Camelot's famed tournament gets under way, the city fills with warriors who are joined by a young man with a secret weapon to help him win: magic.Merlin and Arthur are sent on a dangerous mission to capture the Cup of Life, a powerful magic artifact that possesses the gift of immortality.With Morgause's immortal army at her command, Morgana begins a reign of terrible evil over the innocent citizens of Camelot.As the magic-infused saga of Arthur and his court flows into a fourth season, Camelot's future is threatened by the powerful sorceress Morgana.When Morgana wrenches open the gates to the Other World, only one thing is certain: Nothing will ever be the same again.With Merlin on the brink of death, who will stop Arthur from making the ultimate sacrifice to save his precious Camelot?A carnival to celebrate Prince Arthur's birthday hides a deadly foe who promises to strike at the very heart of Camelot.A mysterious visitor arrives in Camelot seeking a very special prize: a dragon's egg.For the first time since his coronation, Arthur finds out what it's really like to be king.A desperate Morgana finds the unlikeliest of assassins: Merlin.Morgana will stop at nothing in her hunt for Emrys.Merlin finds himself fighting for survival against an unseen enemy more deadly than he could possibly imagine...Camelot rejoices at the return of a long-lost friend: Sir Lancelot.The discovery of a shrine in the woods unearths a haunting secret from Camelot's past.Arthur's plans for the future are thrown into disarray by the return of Gwen.Arthur and Merlin are forced to run for their lives as a merciless Morgana attacks Camelot.With Camelot lost to Morgana, Merlin has to go to extraordinary lengths to restore Arthur's belief in himself.A now-grown Mordred returns to Camelot, which is now ruled by King Arthur and Queen Gwynevere. Gwen wird auf Arthurs Befehl aus Camelot verbannt. Uther liebt Arthur aber durchaus, kann dies aber nur selten zeigen.
Unaware that the disease is magical, Gaius is unable to help.Morgana becomes concerned when she dreams that Arthur is murdered by a young girl. Er ist auch Morganas Zieh- und, wie sich später herausstellt, leiblicher Vater. Doch Arthur und Merlin gelingt es mit dem Horn, Uther zurück in das Totenreich zu schicken.
Die beiden wurden verschleppt, da die Entführer sie an einen „König“ ausliefern wollten, der von Uther Lösegeld fordern wollte. Gaius impresses upon Merlin the danger he's in.When a mysterious warrior challenges Arthur to a duel, no one could predict the chain of events that is set in motion.When Merlin discovers a beautiful druid girl trapped in a bounty hunter's cage, he must help her escape. Merlin hat bis zu Arthurs Tod versucht ihn zu retten und wollte ihn an einem magischen See wieder heilen, wofür es letztendlich zu spät war, da Arthur und Merlin auf dem Weg zu diesem See einem Angriff von Morgana ausgesetzt waren, in dessen Verlauf wurde jedoch sie von Merlin vernichtet. Dezember 2008 auf In Deutschland war die Ausstrahlung der ersten Staffel vom 17. Gwen verliebt sich zuerst in Lancelot und später auch in Arthur.
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