Lufthansa Aviation Training Switzerland AG, in Opfikon, CHE-101.348.127, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB Nr. Please Read the following IMPORTANT update. Ausgeschiedene Personen und erloschene Unterschriften: Es ist in der "fahr- und flugschulen" tätig. Aber Lufthansa Aviation Training könnte über viele Wochen keine Pilotinnen und Piloten mehr ausbilden. 1004649766). About Lufthansa Aviation Training. September 2018. Take your career to new heights instructing tomorrow’s pilots.Thank you for visiting Lufthansa Aviation Training’s websiteAs you may know the Covid-19 pandemic is having an immense impact on the global aviation sector.This also affects our training center here at LAT, U.S. Our flight school operations have been placed on hold at least until December 31st, 2020 Therefore, we have no current hiring needs at this time.You can continue to apply online in our system; it will be considered once our selection process has been reopened. As the Lufthansa Group’s training center, we offer our clients custom-tailored, innovative training solutions. Please be aware that no further recruiting steps will take place for the moment. Lufthansa Aviation Training - Zeppelinstraße 1-3, 85399 Hallbergmoos - Rated 4.7 based on 21 Reviews "Great experience! As you may know the Covid-19 pandemic is having an immense impact on the global aviation sector. Die Firma Lufthansa Aviation Training Switzerland AG ist eine Aktiengesellschaft an der Adresse Cherstrasse 1 in 8152 Opfikon. We would once again like to thank you for reaching out to us.We continue to monitor and evaluate the situation and will post any updates onto our website and social media channels. Seine Identifikationsnummer UID lautet CHE-101.348.127. The Lufthansa Aviation Training Center is the most prominent flight training centre in the country.
To accomplish this, we need your help. As the Lufthansa Group’s training center, we offer our clients custom-tailored, innovative training solutions. 1004794663). Type training for pilots. Experienced instructors provide pilots with practise-based, efficient training to the latest training standards and on the following aircraft types: Airbus A319/320/321, A330/A340; Thank you for visiting Lufthansa Aviation Training’s website. Bauherrschaft: Lufthansa Aviation Training Switzerland Standort: Cherstrasse 1, 8152 Opfikon Bausumme (BKP 2): CHF 40 Mio. Lufthansa Aviation Training Switzerland TC2020, Opfikon realisiert Lufthansa Aviation Training Switzerland AG Neubau Architektur Schulungsräume und Ausbildungseinrichtungen für Piloten und Flugbegleitpersonal mit Gastronutzung. Leistungsanteil SIA 102 : 53.5 % Geschossfläche: 18 500 m2 Raumprogramm: 2 Hallen für je 4 Flugsimulatoren, Halle für Flugzeugattrappen, Werkstätten, Grossraumbüros, Schulungsräume, Gastrobereich Mutation Lufthansa Aviation Training Switzerland AG Rubrik: Handelsregistereintragungen Unterrubrik: Mutation Grund: Eingetragene Personen Lufthansa Aviation Training Switzerland AG, in Kloten, CHE-101.348.127, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB Nr. We also offer Electronic Flight Bags to all of our Career Flight Instructors.Working here as a Career Flight Instructor provides a consistent schedule and a compensation package that is well above the industry standard.Think you would be a great fit as a Career Flight Instructor? 112 vom 13.06.2019, Publ. The whole infrastructure will be united under one roof for the first time at the newly-built site in Opfikon. TC2020, Opfikon Lufthansa Aviation Training. Planung 2016-2017 / Bauzeit 2017-2019 We would love to hear from you. Das Unternehmen Lufthansa Aviation Training Switzerland AG ist eine Aktiengesellschaft mit Sitz in Opfikon, im Kanton Zürich, die im Jahr 2000. Jumbolino, flying at its best! " 251 vom 30.12.2019, Publ. Der durch die Unternehmung selbst definierte Firmenzweck gemäss Handelsregister-Eintrag lautet wie folgt: Ausbildung von Flug-, Unterhalts- und Bodenpersonal. To accomplish this, we need your help. TC2020, Opfikon Baujahr 2018/2019 Bauherr Lufthansa Aviation Training Switzerland AG Generalunternehmung S+B Baumanagement AG BKP 215.2 Fassadenbau Glas-Metall In addition to an exciting, international environment and central locations, we offer attractive conditions and excellent career prospects within the Lufthansa Group.We are looking for new colleagues who are ready and willing to play a key role in shaping the development of a new, innovative aviation company. Alle Projekte PDF. Basic pilot training at Lufthansa Aviation Training Switzerland A career with SWISS. Bereitstellung klimatischer Bedingungen in den Hallen für einen optimalen Betrieb der 10 Flug-Simulatoren und Trainingsgeräte bei hoher Versorgungssicherheit; 01. The building stretches approximately 120m along Cherstrasse, with a slope of around 5.5m. Statutenänderung: 05.06.2020. Zusammenfassung. You will receive a notification once it resumes. Currently selected filters: COMPANY: lufthansa-aviation-training; Please contact our support via the hotline or email if you have any questions.All aircraft, including our new Cirrus fleet, come equipped with A/C, so you can expect performance and comfort.Lufthansa accepts only the top 9% of students who apply, so you are working with the best and brightest.We offer our Career Flight Instructors competitive salaries that pay you for more than just time spent in the air.Our fleet includes the brand new 2018 Cirrus SR20 G6 equipped with Cirrus Perspective Plus avionics, Grob G120A, and Beechcraft Bonanza refitted with A/C and Garmin technology.
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