He helped to conquer the islands of Cuba and Hispaniola in the 1510s and so the governor of Cuba, Velázquez de Cuéllar, appointed Cortés captain-general of an expedition to sail to the American mainland in 1518. La Noche Triste ("The Night of Sorrows", literally "The Sad Night") was an important event during the Spanish conquest of Mexico, wherein Hernán Cortés, his invading army of Spanish conquistadors, and their native allies were driven out of the Aztec capital at Tenochtitlan.
I assert that if we had waited at the bridges, we should all have been killed, and not one of us would have been left alive; the reason was this, that as we went along the causeway, charging the Mexica squadrons, on one side of us was water and on the other rooftops [which made it easy for the Mexicas to hurl stones and darts] and the lake was full of canoes so that we could do nothing beyond what we accomplished which was to charge with sword thrusts against those who tried to lay hands on us, and to march and advance to get off the causeway.Had it been in the daytime, it would have been worse, and we who escaped did so only by the Grace of God. The Tlaxcalans could have crushed them then. Its capital, Tenochtitlan, was a technological wonder for its day. La Noche Triste Part 6 of the Spanish Invasion.
Si sigues utilizando este sitio asumiremos que estás de acuerdo. To one who saw the numbers of warriors who fell on us that night and the canoes of them coming along to carry off our soldiers, it was terrifying. I declare that I had no other desire but the desire to save my life, but I did not fail to take from some small boxes that were there, four After we had learned the plans that Cortés had made about the way in which we were to escape that night and get to the bridges, as it was somewhat dark and cloudy and rainy, we began before midnight to bring the baggage along the bridge and the horses and mare began their march with the Tlaxcalans who were laden with gold. estamos interesados en hacer de este libro La Noche Triste Pdf uno de los libros destacados porque este libro tiene cosas interesantes y puede ser útil para la mayoría de las personas. In the midst of this internal unrest, Cortés arrived. Montezuma II believed Cortés was one of Quetzalcoatl’s heralds. But Cortés was determined and he sailed to Mexico anyway — with a force of 500 soldiers, 100 sailors, and 16 horses.He landed at Tabasco in Mexico’s Bay of Campeche in 1519 and was given a female slave by the locals whom he had wooed. Fierce fighting erupted, and Alvarado, who was leading the rear guard, narrowly escaped, thanks largely to a spectacular leap across a canal. However, when he returned to Tenochtitlan in late June 1520, Cortés found the men he left behind under attack.The commander he left in charge, Pedro de Alvaredo, had led an attack on the Aztec festival of Tóxcatl — for reasons which remain hazy. In order to put them still more off their guard, that very afternoon we told them through one of their priests whom we held prisoner and who was a man of great importance among them and through some other prisoners that they should let us go in peace within eight days and we would give them all the gold. La Noche Triste or The Night of Sorrows From Díaz del Castillo , Vol. The smaller tribes readily supplied Cortés with troops and guides to get them as close to Tenochtitlan as possible. That slave became his mistress and mother to his child. His men not only defeated the incoming army but the crafty conquistador enlisted them under his own command. Many squadrons attacked us both by day and night, and the powder was giving out, and the same was happening with food and water, and the great Moctezuma being dead, they were unwilling to grant the peace and truce, which we had demanded of them.Additionally, there was with us a soldier named Botello, apparently an honest man and a Latin scholar who had been in Rome, and it was said that he was a sorcerer; others said that he had a familiar spirit, and some called him an Astrologer. His people were prisoners, cut off from food, water and escape routes. A stone hurled from the crowd hit him on the head, and a couple of days later he died, perhaps from the wound, perhaps from despair. La Noche Triste es el punto en que todo se le revierte a Cortés, el punto más bajo de esa historia que tendrá un final feliz para ellos y el momento más dramático de la Conquista. Then the bridge was quickly put in place, and Cortés and the others whom he took with him in the vanguard and many of the horsemen, crossed over it. So we went ahead along the causeway in order to get to the town of Tacuba, where Cortés was already stationed with all of the Captains.Gonzalo de Sandoval, Cristóbal de Olid and others of those horsemen who had gone on ahead were crying out : "Señor Capitan, let us halt, for they say that we are fleeing and leaving them to die at the bridges; let us go back and help them, if any of them survive"; but not one of them came out or escaped.Cortés' reply was that it was a miracle that any of us escaped. Thus Cortés decided with all of us Captains and soldiers that we should set out during the night, when we could see that the squadrons of warriors were most off their guard. Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés wanted it all: glory for Spain, personal recognition from the king and queen, fame, and fortune. La Noche Triste es el nombre con el que se conoce a la derrota sufrida por Hernán Cortés y sus aliados a manos de los mexicas entre el 30 de junio y 1 de julio de 1520.
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