“It’s been so long since anyone has looked at me without worries, because… I feel like my family can only fully be happy without me. Hey there! In … • Favourite childhood show? Following. Exciting and fun content incoming with My acne is back Here, have this OOTD instead. This site is not affiliated with Twitch or any of their partners. Let's cheer. Advertisement. How are you guys? Performance this month follower change. Twitch Partner • 20 • Vietnamese German Twitch streamer JadeyAnh has apologized to her fans after raising concerns due to an emotional broadcast. Browse all other Just Chatting channels.
19,180 views - Thu, May 14 at 0:59. Hope you all are well and healthy!!! 16 talking about this. ‘Cause I always know they are worried about me, and I don’t want that anymore for them.”Thankfully, JadeyAnh has since responded to the issue via Twitter, apologizing to her viewers for worrying them with her “breakdown” and revealing that she is taking a break from streaming to seek counseling.“I apologise for the breakdown you witnessed today,” she wrote.
Member of @404havenA rare smiley face appeared ☺ Talking with Jade-Anh | !support.
On June 22, Anh a German-Vietnamese streamer was at a bar with her two cousins where a group of guys approached them and began to mock the Asian Languages live on Anh’s stream. Twitch Partner • 20 • Vietnamese German. Hey there! Followers. Jade is Horny. ...
2 months ago. ( I used it as a bait ) I've been looking forward to this day since months! Posts.
Browse all other games! Overview Streams Emotes VODs Clips. Email Address 4 Stories Combine free followers Best ja.dey Search user & hashtag & place & TV result . Know that I'm now seeking professional help and keep my online presence on hold till things are better.
Watch JadeyAnh's clip titled "Jade is Horny" JadeyAnh. Popular Twitch streamer JadeyAnh found herself confronting a couple of racist guys live on stream while she was having a drink with her cousins. Jade is coming for Yuna. My name is Jade-Anh and welcome to my facebook, no matter if you came here to see my content or my feet! I'm also on the Discord. A sincere thank you to some of you that notified people close to me who helped me when I needed it the most.”I apologise for the breakdown you witnessed today. What is something that makes you feel ' at ease ' as soon as you see it ? 20,976 views - Tue, May 5 at 22:47. f. JadeyAnh - Just Chatting. Twitch Partner • 20 • Vietnamese German JadeyAnh - Just Chatting. Unsure how she feels but she reached out. This site is not affiliated with Twitch or any of their partners. You guys are awesome ...Oops I did it again ... — 404H Jade (@jadeyanh) January 16, 2020. I verified u/JadeyAnh by having Jade message from her Twitch then modded her. ...This is what happens when I'm bored. Looking at it makes me feel like everything is alright. 69,409 viewer hours. 31,759 hours live. While Twitch is somewhat known for capturing unexpected moments on camera, JadeyAnh gave her viewers a serious shock when she broke out in tears during a game of Overwatch in mid-January.Although her VOD of the stream has since been deleted, a clip taken from the missing broadcast shows her tearfully opening up to viewers, claiming that she doesn’t want her family to “worry” about her “anymore.”“It’s just, I feel like emotionally, I only bring sadness to my parents and my grandparents,” she claimed. I appreciate all the support I've been receiving the past couple of days. Jade-Anh @ja.dey. ...What is something that makes you feel excited ? ...Found this picture on Pinterest. 21 talking about this.
474,054 peak viewers.
“Know that I'm now seeking professional help and [will] keep my online presence on hold ‘til things are better. Drop your favourite show ⬇️ I need new content ...Ignore the picture of me because @404haven HAS ARRIVED!!!
Jade-Anh (@ja.dey) Twitch Partner • 20 • Vietnamese German. https://twitch.tv/jadeyanh. My name is Jade-Anh and welcome to my facebook, no matter if you came here to see my content or my feet! A sincere thankyou to some of you that notified people close to me who helped me when I needed it the most.Thus far, the streamer’s post has been met with overwhelming support, with many fans congratulating her on seeking help and offering their own advice after the spread of her emotional clip and a string of other concerning posts.Such an outpouring of love and care echoes streamer No matter the popular opinion of Twitch, it’s always heartwarming to see viewers rally behind the streamers and communities they watch and interact with.Published: {{day}}/{{monthNameShort}}/{{year}} {{hourTwoDigit}}:{{minuteTwoDigit}}Updated: {{day}}/{{monthNameShort}}/{{year}} {{hourTwoDigit}}:{{minuteTwoDigit}}
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