Land at 13.25 - arrivals hall by 1400, If you must do something of this type then go to the Royal Armoury - its free so no losses financially if late or the time finishes and you get to see a lot of Royal material in the palace structure.Now, the Palace is in Gamla Stan, so you aren't then having to 'go to < On their website there is a two for SEK 350 deal which applies to a single ride Thursday-Sunday (we'll be arriving on a Friday), which seems great. And another 9 min walk to You gave me great suggestions on what I can do when places are closed. We land at 1325 and I an hoping to rush to our hotel to drop our luggage and head right away to the Royal Palace before they close at 1600, and then to I have researched a little, and looks like we can go to <
Get amazing 20% Off savings by using our Arlanda Express promo codes. Terms & Conditions ; 0 0. The first stop from Stockholm Central station is Terminals 2, 3 and 4. Travel cards are not linked to a single person and can be used for both individual and group trips. If you are looking for the best money-saving Arlanda Express promo codes and deals, you have come to the right place. Once again children 11 or under travel for free. Children 11 years old or younger travel for free on weekends if accompanied by an adult with a valid ticket. Hi - is the best price/option for family of 4 to take the arlanda express from arlanda airport to central airport? You can amble the streets of Gamala Stan, the woods of You just need to plan for food and being warm enough as you wander the city. Hot Deal: Tickets and fares: 2 for SEK 350 & 3 for SEK 450 & 4 for SEK 550. The travel time will be over an hour.Thank you both for your helpful information! Free Download Arlanda Express App. Arlanda Express ett välkänt varumärke för snabbtåget mellan Stockholm och Arlanda. Free Download. I'm looking to take the 2 for SEK350 deal from the airport to the central station.
Terms & Conditions ; 0 0. Choose from 30 working online promotions for big savings on your purchase at Arlanda Express. A- Train AB does not store any credit card numbers.By approving these travel terms and conditions, as a user you consent to A-Train AB processing your personal data (including name, personal identification number, address, phone number, purchasing/travel history and truncated credit card information) for the purposes set out below. Andra och sista stoppet är terminal 5 (Arlanda Norra). Choose from 30 working online promotions for big savings on your purchase at Arlanda Express. Re: Arlanda Express: 2 for SEK350 - buy at station? Re: Arlanda Express: 2 for SEK350 - buy at station? Enjoy mavellous 20% Off discounts with today's active Arlanda Express discount codes and offers.
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