20 are more versatile and advantages in total organization. Piercing can triple your power against them.I watched like 2 hours of Youtube and read this thread here yet i am competly lost.I started 4 games so far. If you have stopped using light tanks give them to your infantry.7 marine/mountaineers 3 heavy/modern tanks or 5 marine/mountaineers 2 heavy tanks 2 heavy SPG. In the largest strike forces use 4 CV's but don't go over that.The role of the CV's is to protect the fleet from enemy carriers. Even with the 'Show outdated equipment' unchecked I still get the old templates in the hull drop down in the ship designer.
You need to pay to dissemble which is very expensive.Moving a module from one slot to another is a bad idea. This in turn makes your enemy take more attrition damage so don’t underestimate 20’s defensive power, especially in wide theaters. I am playing as Japan, I have completely conquered all of China, I'm about to bypass the Phillipines (big Daddy USA scares me) and strike on the southern resource area. The composition of each division is specified by its division template. So if you stack enough attack you can overpower the defenders and do free damage. Only carrier (navalized) aircraft may be based on carriers, and must be researched and produced separately from their ground based counterparts. The mechanics impact key areas like general traits and command power. I also drilled all my divisions for xp and sent three tank divisions to Spain to fight in their war.Tanks kind of.
Hull types [] See also: Naval technology Hulls are the foundational component of ships, and are unlocked through research. Patrol fleets seem weird often preforming hot potato and swapping naval zones if theirs just enough. Now that repairing ships costs factories, losing ships isn't that much worse than building new ones, especially because your new ones will be more modern.
They can use high tier fire control or sonar for more support. The blitzkrieg branch gives less organization then the mobile infantry branch so I would usually recommend the infantry side. I'm currently producing 3 Super Heavy Battleships and other than that, I have the base navy + whatever was running when the game started.
Division templates can be created and modified by the player using spending army experience. Internal resource trade Deep battle mass assault gives bonuses to a lot of things but a lot of not needed ones.Mobile warfare is about speed not tanks. Example 1 medium 5 light and 4 motorized. I tried to copy that into hoi 4 with the "General-cap" and build armies with 18inf and 6 Tanks and Set ehm to Front / Attack line around 3-4 Provinces, which means i have around 4-5 armies of that size when ww2 startsWhere your armies even equipped? The 20 combat width is the balanced method. Division templates can be created and modified by the player using spending army experience. The composition of each division is specified by its division template. Support artillery is the most essential element of this division get it ASAP.Every support has its use their's not one fits all. Most likely you only had that many on paper and in reality some of those divisions did't exist.Also you should concentrate attacks in a armored spearhead not spread it out. When using heavies they are much better as a support element. The tank divisions don't support the infantry in attack they only preform worse then in a armored thrust. A concentrated tank division like a western power is not as good. Every point not absorbed is x4 as effective. Divisional protects the division from close air support (CAS). As the main surface combatants, capital ships are designed to sink enemy ships in surface battles.
The first button is a red trashcan that says "disband all selected units" when you hover the mouse over it. Recovery lets units break in combat and return to the fight quicker.
Radars are just the best for submarines due to the questionable patrol formulas.Strike force anti ship: CV's, BB's, and mostly CL's. Heavies/modern are the best due to armor, piercing, and hard attack. In specialized builds destroyers can be quite good. If your using slow BB's instead of fast BB's I would use 3 medium light batteries instead. You can mix different tank types together and different variants. You loss the speed of light tanks but your lights gain armor allowing them to function partially as mediums. or 2 medium 4 mech/mot. Doing 50% more damage and taking 50% less. Hello! If you want a torpedo boat build a torpedo boat. You use the Zeroes on land as well as at sea, they fly from land airbases exactly the same as regular fighters. I would generally go for 2-3 heavy guns and as many secondary weapons as possible. If you see a naval invasion you can send in other garrison divisions to dog pile on.You really cannot go wrong with tanks as long as you have good armor, breakthrough, and enough infantry in the division. By the way tension level is 210888% - the scale of 0% to 100% is a bit dubious. The BB's protect the fleet from enemy battleships and destroying outdatted or CA's. Engineers, recon, maintenance, logistics, and support AA.I know signal is good in many situations but this recommended for noobs.
These are a late game unit and very powerful.All the SP are useful. The composition of your division can make or break a battle. Hearts of Iron IV tracks experience, skill and history for individual ships, and this can be seen in the Fleet View. You will notice that each individual ship in your fleet is listed with a green organization and a brown strength bar, a silhouette for the ship class, a rank icon to show the ship's experience level, a vertical progress bar showing how much experience that ship has accumulated towards the next rank and the name of the ship.
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